
When Cuba finally embraces capitalism will it become just like the US?

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with gang crime, McDonalds and obesity everywhere? Is it much to look forward to I wonder?




  1. You presume they will then? And it will be final?

    I have not been there but all who have that i have met say it is a lovely country, free from all the worst barbarities of consumer capitalism.

    I hope it could turn out to be something like Kerala, the worlds oldest commie state, co-existing with capitalism but not dependant on it.

  2. In my opinion,  Cuba will remain Socialist in  many of their ways.  Health care, sharing and caring for each other will remain a priority.  No doubt they may adopt some American ways  however  many American attitudes and ways of life  won't be adopted.

  3. I doubt it... Capitalism is in trouble right now too.  It is going bankrupt like the Russians with the have nots in the USA getting more and more vocal all the time...  The latest house crisis is a perfect example the banks in the USA got too greedy and ran the American public into the ground. Cuba will probably do like China and will embrace socialism instead.....

  4. I hope not! As soon as anything becomes 'americanized', things just go downhill from there. LOL (btw, so no one is offended....I don't mean 'nationality-wise' prejudice here...just in the terms of commercialism).

    On a more serious note...I don't believe the culture and attitude would change to being 'American'. Many people think that just because Cubans are in a Socialistic country that they are not aware of what's going on in other countries. But they're up to date with styles, music, education, and mentality.

    They will never lose their warm culture. If any kind of capitalist nature enters the country, they're most likely take in the European/Spanish/Canadian aspect.

    The only thing that may change is that things will become MORE easily accessible (as is already starting to occur). And perhaps businesses would change and expand even more.

    I doubt it would be so drastic that no one would recognize Cuba. The culture is too 'connected' with each other.

    (as for Micky D's, I really hope it doesn't end up in Cuba lol)

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