
When DC/Warner Bros finally gets the next Superman film up and running, which direction should they take?

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A sequel to "Superman Returns", "The Man Of Steel"directed by Bryan Singer, or the often rumored "reboot" of the movie franchise directed by Mark Millar? What about the casting of the main characters as well?




  1. I'll be happy as long as kryptonite isn't involved. They use it in like every single Superman movie...

  2. Well according to what I read, Singer and Routh supposedly agreed its already in preproduction. Similar to Superman Returns (they were calling it Red Sun to throw people off) they have called it something different. The studio said its still in the midst of looking for a script. They are pushing for a 2010 release. It's going to be shorter but more action packed. The story may involve one or several powerful foes as well as Lex Luthor. Supposedly New Krypton will somehow be involved.  

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