
When DIY stores cease trading, and there are other branches nearby, is it common for all stock to be ...?

by Guest45256  |  earlier

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...transferred to the other branches. I've just discovered my local FocusDIY store has closed down and am wondering if I missed out on some fantastic price reductions!

I didn't see anything about it having a closing-down sale in the local papers.




  1. Without knowing where you are, and never having heard of Focus, it seems to have been an immediate issue, not one they had time to advertise, for any distress sales.

       Without knowing if they were a CHAIN, or independent, what the context of their inventory was, whether or not their inventory was seized or held by creditors, the question is difficult to answer.

       In the US for example, with Home stores such as Lowes or HD, which recently closed some stores, their inventory would be re-warehoused, or shipped to various other stores.

      Certainly there are also outlet stores, overstock stores, such as Big Lots, or, who specialize in such merchandise, depending on what it is. I have no clue of the process they use to obtain it however.

       In that distress/closing context, since we can't know the why, we can hardly tell you of the HUGE bargains you may have missed.

    Just my two "sense"

  2. Focus DIY is a part of a big chain of DIY stores running under other names.  It is likely that the goods were just transferred to sister stores etc.. With the price of fuel now it is not cost effective to chase things around.

  3. My local Focus has closed down in Blackpool about 6 months ago, they did have a closing down sale which was advertised in store for about 2 months before it shut, although when I went, it only seemed to  rubbish that they were selling off, such as weird  paint and novelty paint brushes.. I think its the kind of stuff they can't send back to the manufacturers.

  4. I dont know if there is a common policy within the different chains but having seen a number of closures and picked up some 'bargains'  (which may not have been bargains really as some items i would not have bought at full price anyway!) i get the impression that the 'bargains' are likely to be end of ranges, discontinued lines etc and a few seemingly good buys to get the customers into the store.  We have a local Focus opened about a year ago, watching its car park it is unlikely to last long as it has not taken any clients that i can see from the nearest B&Q, Homebase and local chain Coopers.  Funnily enough I was in Focus this morning in urgent need of a toilet Flush handle kit. They had 2 types, a cheap, flimsy and  very nasty moulded plastic one at just under 6 quid, and a far far more expensive solid brass one with dark wood insert - nice if victoriana is your thing.  My local small family builders merchants a few hundred yards away sold me a quite nice all metal one that will last for many years for 4 quid.  Get a couple more instances like that and i will be another ex Focus customer!

  5. They might have had a closing sale, some just close and transfer all stock to other locations, therefore they would not mark down the prices.

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