
When Did Democrats Become so Intolerant?

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Before Palin, a woman had the "right to choose" when she was pregnant. Now, a pregnant teen is the subject of a broad smear campaign, as if she has fewer rights somehow. Does this scream of sexism (perhaps Hillary was correct) and hypocrisy? Does "Pro-Choice" really mean "Pro-Abortion Only?"




  1. Nothing was made of Edwards' dilemma.  Jamie Lynn Spears was not excoriated by the libs with her pregnancy at age 16.  It's ok as long as you are one of them.  If you happen to hold differing views, then you're evil and deserve the be reviled.  That smacks of facism not only intolerance.

  2. We, the Left, are pointing out the hypocrisy of your (Republican) party.

  3. No one objects to Bristol Palin's decision to have a baby.  We object to her mother's extreme views.

    I haven't seen one post asking WHY she didn't have an abortion.  I've seen plenty asking why Gov Palin wants to take away other people's right to the same choices her daughter had.

  4. Fear not, this hate campaign will back-fire on Obama;

  5. Sen Obama has made a huge point to tell people to keep family out of elections.

    So, "The Democrats" are not behind any of this.

    I believe most of the conversation is about how ineffective abstinence only s*x -ed is and what a waste of taxpayer dollars. This is something McCain and Palin stand for.

    It also shows how rash McCain can be when making a decision. The information about Palins daughter was a surprise to McCain and the RNC. McCain did not vet his second in command, he wanted to announce immediatley after the Dem Convention to rain on the Dem parade. He choose a political win over a sensible decision. If McCain had taken the time to vet Palin, they would have been out in front of this story but instead the media is going with it.  

  6. Not any woman, your question is the sexist one.  Pro-choice means respecting the woman's right to do whatever she wants with HER BODY.

  7. though I do not personally agree with the rantings of some people on here, I think the point most are trying to get across is that they wonder where s*x education was in the Palin household.  I still believe that the majority of these people still believe pro choice is pro CHOICE  

  8. Yes, a woman has a right to choose. If your only choice is to continue pregnancy, that's not really a choice at all, doesn't it? She gets to choose, why can't other women??? Answer that!

  9. Hahahahaha...I guess republicans are a little hurt that they're not the only ones who fight back. Issues or not, it doesn't feel so good to be attacked on irrelevant issues does it?

    It's just the GOP getting a taste of your own medicine.

    REV Wright ringing any bells?

  10. I wouldn't worry about it.  Those terms have become media propaganda anyway designed to make commoners hop on their selected political bandwagon. Hop off and think for yourself.  

  11. We aren't and that's the point. We support a woman's right to choose. We support educating our teenagers and citizens so they can make an informed decision based on the facts. If they choose to have s*x then they understand the consequences and they know what they can to do to protect themselves.

    If you have a pool and you don't want your kids to swim in it, then you don't teach them to swim? You just say, well I told them they couldn't so that should be the end of it? No. You teach them to swim so they will be safe.  This was an example on 90210 for dealing with comprehensive s*x education in school.

    edit: I've been through a comprehensive s*x education program and it wasn't advocating teenagers have s*x. It was advocating for teenagers to abstain but the nurses understood that it was not realistic for all teenagers. Some were going to have s*x anyway. It was better to arm them with the information they needed to know. It worked. We had very few teen pregnancies in my high school. I don't think there were any in my class. I think there was one in the class above mine and maybe one or two in the class after mine.

    edit: I disagree with the right's views strongly. I am pro-choice and pro-education. Knowledge is power.

  12. They did not become intolerant.

    No smear campaign.

    When did Republicans throw out "personal responsibility"?

    Oh yeah, Iran- Contra.

  13. It's not about Palin's promiscuous daughter. It's about Palin being an unfit mother and not protecting her daughter. If she can't take care of her family, how the h**l is SARAH PALIN going to take care of America if something happens to McSenile?

  14. Of Republicans you mean?  I think that has been a fact of life since the creation of time kiddo.

  15. Wow what a spin!!! Liberals do not force her to have an abortion or not  to have an abortion  - this is   pro choice!!!

    The hypocrisy lies in Republican pro family values, while their own children get pregnant. What about abstinence?  What about parental guidance on s*x education? Do you think Bristol might know how to use a condom if she had a government sponsored s*x education class (which both McCain and Palin oppose )

    Do what I say ignore what I do!  

  16. Because of the hypocrisy of the Republican Party.

    And you're right.  Bristol Palin chose to have her baby.

    But her mama, Sarah, wants to take away the rights of other women who don't make the same choice as she and Bristol made.

    Does pro-choice means pro-life only?

    And Sarah is round here running on a platform of abstinence education.  Now how hypocritical is that?  How does she think that she can sell this concept to a nation when she can't even sell it to her own daughter?

    Sarah is against s*x education.  

    And McCain has fought against teen pregnancy programs the entire time he's been in the Senate.


  18. yes. pro-Death is masked with the phrase pro-choice.  and you've hit the nail right on the head.

  19. Pro-choice means Pro-abortion...everybody knows that.

  20. This issue is not the teenage daughter.  The issue is the hypocrisy of the VP nominee.  There appears to be a definite double standard in her world regarding abstinence before marriage.  Absolutely, leave the poor daughter out of it.  Her mother has shown poor judgment and questionable parenting skills.

  21. When Palin was told that the media would go after her personal life  and seek to destroy her, she responded.  

    Do you know the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull?  Lipstick.

  22. Your right, they didn't spare Hillary and she is a Democrat, why would they spare Sarah Palin, it will surely backfire on them, this isn't the primaries anymore, whole new set of voters.

  23. many liberal women are against any woman who is living opposite of their feminist religion...anti-man, anti-home, anti-marriage, anti-mother. They will always be intolerant when you disagree. It is ironic, because they always say that the republicans are the non-tolerant ones.  

  24. It is not Bristol that is under fire, it is Sarah Palin and her views on abstinence only.

    If she can't get her own family to adhere, how does she expect everyone else's family to adhere?

  25. they always were

  26. Nobody is smearing Bristol.  

    Bristol got to choose.  Palin wants to take that right away from other women.  

    Palin is anti choice, pro abstinence only education, and against the birth control pill.  

  27. again ridiculous...

    you are missing the point

    she is an advocate for abstinence only education...her teenage daughter is currently "knocked up"

    we have a pretty broad understanding that teenagers are going to have s*x...they should know how to protect themselves

  28. The reason it's being discussed is because of Palin's views on s*x education, not abortion.

    She wants to teach abstinence only but it's obvious by her own family's situation that it doesn't work!

    Maybe if the child would have been taught about contraceptives she would have known to use protection and wouldn't be in the situation.

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