
When Did Your Baby..........?

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Start teething?




  1. her first tooth came in at 5 months and one week.

    However, it differs loads. Some babies can start teething immediately. In fact, it has been known for babies to be born having already cut a tooth!

  2. Close to three months both of my babies started the excessive drooling and crying like they were in pain so I started putting orajel on their gums which worked great.

  3. Your Babies Beautiful . I don't have a child but my sister had one and she started teething when she was 11 months.

  4. About 3 months old. He didn't actually get one until 6 months, but he cried sometimes and chewed viciously during the time between. He's got 4 teeth now, 2 up 2 down at 9 months.

    We used Bonjela and that helped a bit, but if you're going to use a pain reliever be sure to test it on your gums first. I've been told about some brands that burn rather than numb so be careful!

  5. my baby was nearly 1 before he had teeth. once one came the rest followed. i think every baby will start at different times, ive even heard of baby's being born with teeth. when his teeth start coming you ll notice his cheeks go pink and he will dribble allot. also mite get irritated. if he does i suggest bongella. worked brill on my boy! xx

  6. about 7 months

  7. They both started at about 3 months. My youngest is still only 5 months and they're not through yet, my eldest got his first one through at 5.5 months. They can be teething for a good while before they actually break through properly.

  8. my son started at 2 months old and my daughter from birth both cut they'er first teeth at 2 mths old!!

  9. around four months. you can tell by the red cheeks and drool. I used to put a clean flannel in the fridge with ice cold water. I'd ring it out and give it them to suck on. Those biccie pegs are good but more suitable for babies aged 6 months onwards good luck !  

  10. My daughter started teething about 3 months old but cut her first tooth at 5 1/2 months...

    Although six months is the most common age at which children sprout their first tooth, not all babies follow the typical pattern.

    Sometimes the first tooth appears later, and sometimes much earlier (very occasionally it's already there at birth!)

  11. Both my sons were got the symptoms at 4months but their 1st teeth through at 6months. My youngest is only 8mths & now has 6teeth!! All babies are completely different though & there is no "right time", one friend of mine has a 1yr old that didnt have any teeth til he was 11mths old! I have even heard of some babies being born with a tooth!!!


  12. My little one started at about 6 months, but every child differs.

  13. 6 months, right at the end of 5 he started and by the time he was 6 months he had 2 teeth. Now he's 8 months and he still hasn't gotten anymore. I'm wondering whats the holdup on his upper teeth.

  14. my son had his first tooth at 4 months, I couldnt believe it

  15. mine started at 36

  16. My daughter started showing signs of teething when she was 6 moths old but was about 10 months old when her first tooth actually came through the gum

  17. I didn't even notice my son was teething because he was so tiny but he had 4 teeth by he time he was 41/2 months. He got them all within a few days of each other. My daughter started showing signs of teething at about 5-6months but didn't get her first tooth until 7 months. She's now 10 months and has 6 teeth.

  18. My first daughter cut teeth at 6 months old.  My 2nd daughter is 5 months old and acting like she is teething, but no sign of actual teeth yet.

    It can vary A LOT.  Babies can be born with teeth, and others wont get teeth til close to a year.  And everything in between.

  19. with my brother i think it was about 3-4 months but i cant be certain

  20. My son got his first tooth at about 7-8 months when he got his first tooth and they seemed to pop up each time without going up and down like they can do (although he did get a bit of a temperature each time).  My daugher didn't get her first tooth till around 11 1/2 months and this tooth took about a month to finally come through from when we first thought she was getting one at around 10 or so months.  Her teeth have been taking ages to come through - by 16 months she still only had 4 teeth and now at 21 months she has only just gotten her 10th tooth (she did get about 3 at once around 19 months) each time she gets a tooth she gets high temps and gets sick with something either a cold or a tummy bug.  Doctors say its not related but whatever - most people I talk to who have gone through teething with their kids say their kids get high temps or something on those lines!

  21. She started properly at 2-3 months and got her first teeth through two weeks ago on the day she turned 5 months...a bit early...I think she's getting her top ones now...:o

  22. Aww congratulations ! Your baby is beautiful . I have had 4 babies and the earliest  one of mine started teething was 4 months , she had 2 bottom teeth at 5 months . The others were between 6 - 8 months . Every baby is different .

    Take Care x

  23. one of mine started teething at around 7 months the other at 11 months

  24. My son got his first teeth through at 5.5 months, but the actual teething starts before then as the teeth start to move around. I got my first tooth at 4 months!

  25. i dont rember

  26. My first daughter was about 4 months when she started teething and it took ages for her first tooth to come through but after that they just all seemed to come from nowhere. Also after the first one cut she didn't seem to be in as much discomfort when the rest where coming through. My second daughter started a little later than that and still to this day all her teeth are not through and she is not 21 months.  

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