
When Do You think it is appropriat for a parent to buy there child a game Rated Teen or above?

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When is it apporpriat for a parent to buy a game that they shoot at people in and try to car jack people

Personaly I think a child should not be allowed to play a game over there rating




  1. it depends on how mature the child is if the child has had experience then maybe but like i said it depends : )

    how this helps!

  2. teen, but probably not Mature or Adult only!!! those sometimes have nudity and drugs and/or drinking! teen isn't all that bad i have been playing a teen game since i was like 5 hehe

  3. in my opinion a good age is around 13, but if they are a mature kid then maybe 12.  

  4. The safest bet is to just follow the rating systems, If a game is rated teen, then the child should be 13.

  5. By and large, age ratings are based on the crude prudish insticts of those to whom they no longer apply.

    Rating should not be there to save people from being offended or exposed to the real world. A rating is only valuable is it protects young people from content they are not mature enough to handle, such as explicit s*x for those under sixteen. Otherwise, horrifying people is generally good for them, and children would benefit from the knowledge that not all people are good.

    Ask yourself realistically whether the game in question can actually damage your child and base your decision on that, not on your personal tastes. And by the way, the fuss trying to corrolate acts of violence to violent games has been proven to be utter hogwash, so don't let that decieve you either.

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