
When Does The Anti-Discrimination Act Become Discrimination?

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Where I live, if you are disabled, and struggle to get about, you get free bus fares. If you are over 65 years old, and on a pension, you either get subsidised or free bus fares.

I and everyone else who do not fall in to those categories have to pay full price. Isn't that discrimination against us as they are getting something free and we aren't?

They say that they don't want discrimination against the disabled or against age, but they want equality. This isn't equality, it is giving them better than us.




  1. You don't get discrimination, do you?  Not only do a lot of people get needlessly shafted, those treatments affect many aspects of their lives, and so their kids are growing up with less opportunity because of the limitations of their parents.  Are you seriously going to sit there and say it's unfair for somebody who will never walk again and therefore be at a  disadvantage when it comes to job searching and what not to have one nominal convenience?  

    Helping those who don't have the means to help themselves is not only fair, it's to be expected.

  2. I agree. Its something thats annoyed me for a while now.

    Did you know, if there are 2 equal candidates for job (one black and one white) and the company chooses the white person, the black person can sue.

    But not the other way round.

    I agree, it is not helping old people/disabled people etc, it is giving them advantages that others cannot have.

    I'm glad someone shares my viewpoint.

  3. Well youre right.  Discrimination apparently is only bad if you do it against a group that will actually send money and lobbyists to represent you.  If youre white and a man under 40 you dont get protection from c**p.  Discrimination happens all the time... i got discriminated against by having to pay to get into a bar the other night... women were walking in free.  I talked to a guy who told me he got laid off from his last job and they gave him extra separation pay because he was over 40.  When I went to college there were scholarships based on being black.  Americans love discrimination and we love to talk about how bad it is.  Our country is a bunch of hypocrites.

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