
When Does Yahoo Answers Consider a Question Not a Question??

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My serious question regarding Holocaust Denyers has been removed by Yahoo Answers - excuse - "Not a question or answer."

Please help by doing anything any sane and knowledgable person can do. How is my question NOT a QUESTION?

How can Klan, n***s, Fascists and other fanatics be allowed to post questions that make my skin crawl? YA allows hate speech and advocating murder but does NOT allow a person to question why this is allowed!!

Please help.

I'm not sure how - but if enough people stand up for what's right - and complain when Holocaust Denyers, g*y Bashers and Klan members force feed us with their lies - YA has to do something!

In Germany, what this Fuqyu3 said is a CRIME! And YA tells me I haven't asked a question.

Please help us all by joining in. We can't let Hitler win NOW!!




  1. This may get removed because it's not a history question, but here's my attempt at answering you.

    I have seen Holocaust Denier questions deleted.  You have to get a respected member to flag it.  (You get that status, according to YA, by having a good track record of flagging questions.)

    Anyway, if your question wasn't a sincere question, but instead an attempt to incite or start a conversation, it will be labeled "not a question."

    This isn't a discussion board, but instead its a question/answer forum.

  2. Don't let it get to you, Hockey Fan,if someone wants to they can report anything.

    Someone once asked, what was the last item taken off rationing after WW2 ? I answered , bananas, which was the correct answer and someone reported it as " not an answer " and they deleted my answer.

    Yahoo has to act if they get a " report ", don't take it personal and keep pluggin' away.


    You're right, there are some unscrupulous people in this forum, it gets frustrating and unfair. I know how you feel, my uncle and namesake was killed in the " Ruhr Pocket " of Germany in 1945.

  3. If YA answeres could vote on these things - you'd have mine.

    I try not to get annoyed at the immature little *@£$S=_+s anymore - I just report them

    Best wishes - I hope you get un-reported


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