My serious question regarding Holocaust Denyers has been removed by Yahoo Answers - excuse - "Not a question or answer."
Please help by doing anything any sane and knowledgable person can do. How is my question NOT a QUESTION?
How can Klan, n***s, Fascists and other fanatics be allowed to post questions that make my skin crawl? YA allows hate speech and advocating murder but does NOT allow a person to question why this is allowed!!
Please help.
I'm not sure how - but if enough people stand up for what's right - and complain when Holocaust Denyers, g*y Bashers and Klan members force feed us with their lies - YA has to do something!
In Germany, what this Fuqyu3 said is a CRIME! And YA tells me I haven't asked a question.
Please help us all by joining in. We can't let Hitler win NOW!!