
When Drinking - How To Prevent Yourself From Getting Sick?

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When drinking alcohol, is there anyway to prevent yourself from getting sick if you have a weak stomach?

I've heard to eat pasta before you go boozing, and to drink a glass of milk, any other tips anyone?

No smart answers btw I'm just asking a question and I don't want smart asses saying "Oh don't drink if you can't handle it" and such... just relevant answers please!

Spank you kindly =]





  1. Always eat before you go as well as get some munchies while out.

    I always order a glass of water and chase almost every sip with water...makes the drink ($$$) last longer and you can still get a good buzz. Also try to avoid getting DRUNK. When you feel a good buzz start slowing down and just hang with that drink, drink slower.

    Then when you get home take a really large glass of water and two Ibuprofen, drink the whole glass and go to bed. NO hang over, no sickie!

    These methods have worked for me for a very long time!!

  2. Make sure you have enough sugar and water.  Pick sweet drinks like brandy, and liquors, or schnapps, and then always follow up with a huge glass of water before bed.  

    Vodka supposedly doesn't give you a hangover if it's pure enough, but it might still make you nauseous.  Keep up the sugar and water treatment.

  3. stay away from sweet stuff and carbonation, I know it's hard butt you cant go wrong with vodka on the rocks, wine or beer, everything in moderation of course, going from beer to cocktail to champagne, etc in one night is the worst, try to stick to the same thing, drink plenty of water. my experience is, if it tastes like a milk shake its gona make you sick.

  4. OK i got u....Well to start off make an efort to eat a considerable amount of food before going out to the party...Make sure the food you eat is rich in carbohydrates such as assorted breads, pastas, and grains because the complex carbs and gluten found in these types of foods SLOW the absorption of alcohol into the blood stream and at the same time these same foods absorb the alcohol itself.....MAKE SURE U DO NOT eat fast food before hand because those empty calories can lead to a night full of throwing up and a multitude of other drawbacks from alcohol consumption in the excess LOL.....

    The reason why people probably said milk because milk is a "heavy" beverage (compared to water, Coke, Gatorade and any other commonly imbibed beverages) which coats your stomach and satisfies the hunger temporarily because all of the things milk has in it.  DONT DRINK MILK!!!!!!  (Before, during, or after drinking) PERIOD.

    So simply eat a HEARTY, FILLING MEAL far enough prior to drinking so that you don't feel "stuffed" when you walk into the party but you FEEL satisfied....

  5. Moderation.

    And man, that milk thing makes me sick just thinkin about it.

    There is no fix, really. Just cant drink too much. And if it's the taste instead of the amount that makes you sick ( i've been like that with some whiskey ), either mix it or chase.

    Also, sugary drinks tend to bloat me and make me feel sick. Such as alcopops and anything like skittles, that has a buncha sugar.

  6. ok well the obvious one dont drink too much, and don drink too fast ,cuz then it will just make your stomach even weaker. and dont try mixing every drink you drink, is just not a good idea, and try the lemon thing when drinking beer, rum, or whiskey. but with drinks like s*x on the beach or any fruty one dont worry about those. hopefully you dont get sick.

  7. Don't mix alcoholic beverages.  If you drink beer, stick with beer, etc.  Drink slow.

    Eat a big meal before you go out.

  8. You are going to get answers that range from "don't mix" to "eat greasy food" to "liquor before beer" and even "eat pickles." They are all B____S___.

    There is only one way to prevent getting sick. Moderation. Learn your limit and stick to it.

    Why the above mentioned preventative measures are BS:

    don't mix/liquor before beer -

    All alcoholic beverages are made up of the exact same thing...ethanol. And they all contain the exact same amount of it when drink a standardized serving size.

    eat greasy food -

    Go into your kitchen and cook up a few strips of bacon. Take a beer and pour it into a glass. Now pour the the grease from the bacon into the glass. Finally, imagine that in your stomach. Enough to make you throw up sober.

    eat pickles -

    What? I have no idea where this came from, but I see it on this board all the time. Vinegar is caustic and eating vinegary foods or drinking vinegar will just cause you to get sicker.

  9. the drinking milk idea it because it lines the stomach and slows down the absorbtion of the alcohol. Slows down that is not prevent it.

    Best thing is as has been said moderation and drinking slowly. Making sure you don't get dehydrated can also help.

  10. Very simple.... know your limit and don't go past it.  I can drink 3-4 very strong (the way I make them.... half bourbon and half diet coke) drinks with no problem.  I go past that and the bedroom activities after that are put in serious jeopardy.

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