
When Earth's last Picture is Painted by Rudyard Kipling help!!!

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I have a project where I have to use TPCASTT, look for sound devices, form, and figuartive language for a poem of my choice. I need all the help I can get I'm not very good in the poetry stuff. Please help out a stressed student with no time on her hands.

When Earth's last picture is painted and the tubes are twisted and dried,

When the oldest colours have faded, and the youngest critic has died,

We shall rest, and, faith, we shall need it -- lie down for an aeon or two,

Till the Master of All Good Workmen shall put us to work anew.

And those that were good shall be happy; they shall sit in a golden chair;

They shall splash at a ten-league canvas with brushes of comets' hair.

They shall find real saints to draw from -- Magdalene, Peter, and Paul;

They shall work for an age at a sitting and never be tired at all!

And only The Master shall praise us, and only The Master shall blame;

And no one shall work for money, and no one shall work for fame,

But each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,

Shall draw the Thing as he sees It for the God of Things as They are!




  1. For those who don't know what TPCASST is, it's a poetry analysis method and the acronym stands for: title, paraphrase, connotation, diction, attitude, tone, shift(s), title revisited and theme.

    Title: (without context) what does it mean? Literally, it means exactly what it says, "when Earth's last picture is painted", not the painting itself, but the moment that signals the end of the world.

    Paraphrase: "When man's time on Earth is done and the second coming is at hand, the good shall walk with God and never tire, nor work but for the joy of working and shall draw images for God in the way that they truly are."

    Connotation: The first two lines refer to the end of man's reign on Earth and the "tubes are twisted and dried" mean that there is nothing left for man to create, at which time will be the moment of Armageddon.

    Attitude: The poet is positive, saying that in the end all will be good and the good shall receive God's reward.

    Shift: There isn't much shift in this poem, but if you had to find one, it would be between stanzas where the poet stops speaking of the world from the human view to the world as seen by God, where the "Master" shall praise us, and only the Master shall blame", that being different than this time where other mortals do both and we allow them to affect how we see the world.

    Title Revisited: The title now takes on new meaning as rather than an ending of existance, it means a new and better beginning.

    Theme: Armageddon, Rapture and Heaven on Earth.

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