
When England comes muslim state would it be good idea if Buckingham palace becomes London's main mosque!....?

by Guest57349  |  earlier

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..... also this make englands even mores very atractive to asylum seekers likes me!




  1. Yea lol. like England will be come Muslim LOL

  2. What makes you think it's going to become a muslim state? In your dreams, idiot!

  3. periculo suo....<^><..

    (at ones own peril)

  4. Top idea old boy, let us talk about it over some tea and cucumber sandwiches on the lawn. If there is still more to be discussed, maybe we could retire to the drawing room and continue our debate over some Pimms.

    Well what do you say old chap?

    I say England will always be England, better luck next time you young whippersnapper.

  5. ......Yawn ..... stretch...... go home and play with your dollies.....

    And if England is so bad... why don't you go live  in a Muslim State???


  6.   If you wait for this to happen. I think you will find the palace will have become a pile of rubble through the passing of a great deal of time.!

  7. You are, I'm sorry to tell, woefully out of touch


  8. be very thankful to God that you can make such comments in a country like England because you know that if you made a comment about Christianity being the mainstream in many (not all) Muslim countries the state would punish you.

  9. shouldn't you be out manning the bridge.... troll

  10. i thought it was opening as a bed and breakfast, so Lizzy could pay the taxes which she omitted to cough up !

  11. Pssh.

  12. zzzzzzzz yawn..

  13. go and kill your sister, she's humping an englishman.

  14. ahhhhh, no it will never be, ewwww, sorry but im all english, and for england, england, is england and that is that, u leave it alone.

  15. You seem to be a very ignorant guy who is a disgrace to islam. You are trying to provoke people of other religions to insult and hate islam. I am a muslim who is living in England but would never think like you.

    simply get a life!!!!

  16. Oi! I'm moving into Buck House when I become Mayor of London.

    You can have St. James's Palace. I'll get Charlie to move into rented accommodation.

  17. It's got too many rooms to make a good mosque.  The O2 would be better.

  18. Hamid Mo (pbuh) you're a naughty little wind up merchant.  You're as English as the royal family and I suspect Prince Charles knows more about the Muslim faith than you do.  However, you're very funny so keep 'em coming.

    With regard to Buck Palace, sure, make it the main masjid of London.  What fun.

  19. God I love British people.

    If you'd asked this anywhere else, you'd get the obvious responses ("omg... no lolz no we is not gonna be no muslim state lolz" etc etc)

    The grass is always greener, troll

  20. Fortunately I will never happen, so don't get too excited.

  21. Never =]

    Very obvious trolling, you aren't even a good one as some of them are quite comical, you need to work on that mate =]

  22. never in a million years pal....keep dreaming!!!!!

  23. That is highly unlikey

  24. Tell me my good fellow, why, when we have a perfectly functioning country ,with democratic laws and separation of Church and State, would we wish to convert to an unruly mishmash of a place, where wiping ones bum with ones hand is fine, but bacon is unclean?

    Do tell...

  25. hahahaha ,suuuure this is gonna happen , and my ancestors will get  the news while they are cycling around mars ..................on christmas day  

  26. Good idea !!! then we got somewhere to boot our asylum seekers - across the border,ha,ha !!!

  27. when? never

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