
When Global Warming causes mass extinctions of plants and animals?

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Will you still consider it a good thing?




  1. Yup, it happened to the dinosaurs but I don't see you crying about them being gone.

  2. global warming wont cause mass extinctions.  We have already done the damage that will cause mass extinctions, and that damage is clearing the land, and setting up shop for us to live, and farm.  We ruined America 200 years ago when we spread through-out and cut the original forests down.  Same thing with many other countries.

    I just dont get it....  do people not realize this?  The extinctions will happen because we are taking over many different niches by clearing the land and building infrastructure, which is something we have done because the world population has risen to such high levels.  We need living space, so we take the living space of many trees, birds, and animals in that area.

    And you probably dont know this because you are a child or something, but HISTORICALLY, MORE PEOPLE DIE DUE TO DISEASE DURING COOLING PERIODS.  If there was a massive cooling period, many of the third world countries would see terrible plagues/epidemics.

    Explain how plants are going to go extinct during a warmer, wetter period with more carbon dioxide...  Please do it.  If there is any plant die-off, it will be so insignificant, and localized, no one will notice.  Plus, you dont think humans have the power to keep certain plants alive?  Have you realized we basically created many of the domesticated plant species around today through selective breeding?

    Seems to me you havent done enough thinking.

  3. When global warming increases crop yeilds and feeds hungry children, will you consider it a bad thing?  When global warming increases winter temperatures from 35 degrees to 37 degrees Fahrenheit, will you consider it a bad thing? When more young animals survive and thrive, will you consider it a bad thing.  You already answered.  You consider it a bad thing because you haven't really considered it at all.  You simply parrot the chicken littles of world and cry we are all going to die.  Why don't you try to educate yourself instead of falling for every scare scenario thrown at you.

  4. It's funny to see the deniers continue to make the 'warmer is better' argument.  When they do, I always suggest that they do us all a favor and move to the Sun.  They never seem to have an answer for that.

    As for the 'more CO2 is better for plants' argument made by Jim z, that is not a valid argument either, as I discussed here:;...

    As is the case with essentially all denier arguments that are not flat-out wrong or lies, this argument is oversimplified to the point of being amateurish.

  5. I guess I missed the part about how my SUV is responsible for the death of all the dinosaurs!  

    The world and species have been changing and adapting continuously throughout history- why is that a bad thing?  Isn't this the whole point of Darwinism?  Adapt or die?  Frogs who change their s*x to fit demands?  It's part of nature!

  6. im making a short documentry on raising awareness about Global Warming and ways to help better our earth.

    Film yourself, talk about our planet and what it means to you. and how you think we should go about saving it.

    just email me your name with the video or state it on the video so i can credit you acordingly in the End Credits.

    EMAIL it to:

    for those who particapate. THANK YOU!

    please respond here saying that you are going to participate so i can look for your email when it comes.

    once again. thank you--

    EMAIL it to:

  7. Wow. Some of the denialists answers on this page are pure make believe. Half of them are illogical. And all of them are utterly ignorant yet think they know better than the scientists.

    The absolute absolute worse case scenario is a Permian - Triassic or Cenomanian - Turonian style mass extinction with oceanic anoxia and atmospheric poisoning. Sometimes I almost hope for that to happen....

  8. Certainly!   Think of the tremendous numbers of new species that will adapt and thrive!  There won't be "mass extinctions," although there are always some species going extinct all the time.  However, the increasingly life-supporting warming enviornment will be a greater diversity and abundance of life.

    My point is that, given the choice between heating and cooling, heating would be more beneficial.

    Or did you imagine that for the first time in the history of the universe, there should be a planet that never changes?

  9. properly rephrased... when Global Warming causes everyone to die, can I go, "see I told ya so?"

  10. Your question implies that global warming will cause mass extinctions which is opposite of what the scientific community believes.   Yes there may be some species such as the polar bears that will struggle but on the whole most species will thrive from enjoying the widespread newly formed rain forests throughout the world.  Even Discovery Channel's Sahara Desert documentary admitted that all of the desert of North Africa would become a huge rain forest due to global warming.  Tests have shown that in containers simulating increase solar output and increased CO2 levels that plants grow twice as big as control samples.

    Global warming will impact most humans that live on the coast, which is where most of the people with the most money live.  They have the most to loose from global warming.

  11. Warming is good for life.  Fewer species are going extinct now than at any other time on our planet.

    Species go extinct faster during periods of cold.

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