
When God created the world...?

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did he intend for us to create so many religions that cause us so much difference? Did he know we would seperate ourselves from one another and fight for what we believe in? What does he want us to do?




  1. Of course he knew, he laid out the plan of refuting and rebuking all the false religions out there in the Bible. Paul even told us to contend for the faith.

  2. We caused that by our sins.  He separated us for punishment.  Read about the Tower of Babel in the Old Testament in the Holy Bible.  He wants us to love each other and worship Him and give our lives to Him.  Easy question.

  3. God knows everything, so He knew that many religions were going to exist.

  4. First off, religion contributes far less to sectarian violence than most people seem to think. A comprehensive study on the history of war was put together by a team of military historians, and the published results concluded that religion was only a significant factor in some 7% of wars throughout all recorded human history (you can read about the study in "The Irrational Atheist" by Vox Day). Most people simply *assume* that war is connected to religion because that is what they have heard. Few people actually study the history books to see if that assumption is true.

    Second, the majority of religions come to similar conclusions about the nature of God, humanity, morality and the afterlife. The differences are predominantly cultural (i.e. two different myths to represent the same core philosophical concept). There is no more reason for people to practice the same religion than there is for them to listen to the same styles of music, look at the same styles of art, or wear the same kinds of clothes.

  5. Apparently he knows all. Honestly, if I were going to create a large civilization and wanted them to all worship me, I'd make it a little easier for them to do so.

  6. When God created the world...? did he intend for us to create so many religions that cause us so much difference? No

    Did he know we would separate ourselves from one another and fight for what we believe in? Yes

    2 Timothy 4:3  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

    2 Timothy 4:4  And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

    What does he want us to do? Follow his word only and every religion should be based on God's word and not what men think.

  7. No one knows the " right " answer. No one but him. But you could believe that, since he gave us free will, then he could have expected this.  

  8. no/yes/he wants us to embrace and live according to his Word only.

  9. Time is a creation of God. So God is independent of time and space. For this reason creation has no beginning and no end for us, humans. However, God has designed the physical world with precise rules and so parts of the universe die and other parts are formed which can be measured by our concept of time-space.  

  10. Lilly,

    HE expects us to read, study, and obey HIS WORD.  The ignorance of man is a result of satan and not GOD.  Satan has caused all of the false religions out there.  Have a great week.





  11. I believe He does.

    All-knowing, remember?

    Also, He knows and plans every single minute of our lives. So we lost free will. It also means that God wanted and knew that there would be several religion, and also war over religion.

    Eds: Explain, then why there are several religions proven to be so much more older than Christianity?

  12. He had no freakin idea, and still doesn't.

  13. God created the world, but Satan is ruler of the world.

    And he does his best to mislead everyone so they will not believe in God.

    He does this my making people create other religions so they will be distracted from the real God.

    God allowed this because he wants us to deicide on our own if we want to love him.

    So yes, he did know.

    Sometimes you can't know everything.

    Even science has taught us that.

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