
When God made the world, the moon,the sun and the stars .

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Is it not logical when he created Adam and Eve he also made other beings to put on the planets that circle the other suns in our galaxy ?




  1. logic...yeah that works. like adam and eve had two sons....why are we even here?

  2. Tell me how logical this sounds:

    1. An invisible bisexual,  (Genesis 1:27 "So God created people in his own image;God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them.") all knowing, loving god who endorses slavery, torture, and violence throughout the Bible is looking down on us... charting our every move as we speak.

    2. He created the Earth in 6 days 6000 years ago yet ancient civilizations are more than 6000 years old.

    3. "Stars fall out of the sky onto Earth."

    Nothing about God or the Christian faith is logical.

    Adam and Eve is just pathetically stupid. You can't tell me you believe in a book in which there is no evidence, much less any proof, when evolution is a proven scientific fact? If Adam and Eve were the only 2 humans on Earth and multiplied to the point in which there are billions of people now, then we would all be related, of the same race, and we would all have major genetic defects.

    "God" didn't make anything. If you want a religious/philosophical answer then post under religion. If you want a scientific/factual answer, then post here. I'm assuming you want someone to say either "Yes God did this. He created life on other planets too." or "No God only created life on Earth." and that isn't the answer your going to get here. We are people of science not religions.

    sweetiepie hit it on the dot with one line. Good for her. A well deserved thumbs-up.

  3. An interesting argument.  If the world was created specially for our benefit, why are all these other planets (to say nothing of other stars) necessary?

    Do some research on the history of the Bible, and how Genesis is largely a retelling of older creation myths.

    In my opinion, people who use the Bible when they should be using science know nothing about science, and even less about religion.

  4. God didn't create anything as God doesn't exist.

  5. What other suns but i agree with your general notion

  6. Excuse me, this is the science section, not mythology!

  7. Look at the meaning of the story. Try not to take the bible too literally.  

  8. What if everything you thought you knew was a lie?

    Trust only the Bible for every word in it is true.

  9. If your model for the creation of the universe is chapter 1 of Genesis, there isn't room for beings on other planets.  It doesn't say that on the eighth day he created the little green men from Mars.

    If your model for creation is that God invented the rules that set the universe in place, then there could be life elsewhere.  The argument against it is that if there is other intelligent life, somewhere would be a more advanced society than ours and they would have made contact.

  10. I doubt if God is bounded by people's idea of logic.  

  11. God is patience as He takes thing 1 day at time.

    So we are beautifully and patiently created by him you know..

  12. The biblical interpretation of creation is largely symbolic and not intended to necessarily reflect logic.  I honestly believe that yes, he did create life elsewhere, but logically they may have been made under different circumstances and been given a slightly different set of rules.

  13. lol, the age old, Sciene VS. Bible planets was created by what i bet was great explosions and colision in space and life on earth is explaind by Darwin's Theroy of Evolution.

  14. It's certainly possible that other civilisations exist in our galaxy. Adam & Eve is a parable written by people thousands of years ago who had no concept of how nature really works. It has no bearing on the reality of human origins.

  15. I heard that this could be possible.

  16. You are appealing to logic but you are trying to invoke a Biblical account. From a logical point of view -- yes. It is logical that God created other beings. But when He did it and where He placed them -- no one knows for sure. And that's also a lot of guessing game. They may have an entirely different mode of existence than humans -- that is, pre-set cconditions in order to survive.

    And now, let's go Biblical. In the Old Testament, in the book of Proverbs 8:31, it said that God has "the habitable part of his (God's) earth." That's another earth. And that's Him; not man's. As to its whereabouts in the vast expanse of the universe -- no one knows. Next, in the New Testament, in the book of Romans 8:39, it is said that there is "any other creature." So, Biblically, we also have hints as to the existense of other beings put on another earth (another planet).

    The earth being referred to is not heaven; not even paradise. For, Biblically, paradise is in the third heaven ( II Corinthians 12:2-4).How could it be impossible to have other beings in another world, in the remote part of the universe? Or even in the other eight planets of the solar system, but only existing in an entirely different mode? Several years ago, we would never believe that Nanotechnology is possible! And back then, say during the time of Christ -- even when men were seeing miracles -- they may not believe that wireless radio communications coudl be possible.

    Yes, there is -- yes, there are. We only don't know the particulars of their existense. It is a logical possibility. It is an unelaborated Biblical fact. For God does not explain what man could not comprehend -- Isaiah 55:8-9.  

  17. God made this solar system about 1 or 5 billion years old.Because i read in book earth have revolution about 280 million years old..Earth and another planet can be revolution.Many island in earth change every million years because earth have a earthquake to change island shape.

  18. read the bible but anyway it goes something like this

    the sun and sky

    the world

    the water mountains and ****


    then us i think

    or we just appeared lol

  19. if you believe in this story of creation then possibly.

  20.   He would have just said "let there be all"you would have critters all over the joint.

  21. God didn´t create anything.Nature did.

    Adam and Eve? Do you really believe this? Have a look at the evolution of humans.

    The scientific study of human evolution encompasses the development of the genus Homo, but usually involves studying other hominids and hominines as well, such as Australopithecus. "Modern humans" are defined as the Homo sapiens species, of which the only extant subspecies - our own - is known as Homo sapiens sapiens.Adam and Eve never existed....Humans appeared because of evolution.

    How can some people stil believe Adam and Eve existed?

    And that GOD created Earth and all this lies?Leave the Bible and start seeing the reality please.

  22. ?? do not talk about logic when talking about GOD.

  23. i think you need to check up on your science!

    the universe is massive - other life forms is a probability

    and god isn't some beardy bloke in the sky - think of god like the force from star wars

    adam and eve - see evolution - time is a man made thing xx

  24. There are heaps of other creatures in the galaxy.

    It is just hard to get together and have a talk about it, beacuse the distance keeps getting longer and longer...

  25. Yes it is so logical because it is the absolute truth.  Read Genesis in the Holy Bible (God's Word) and learn how he created first the whole world in 7 days, including the Garden of Eden, all the animals THEN Adam and Eve.  He is the Creater of all, the Author of all and the Finisher of all.

    If you study 'The End Times' about biblical prophecy you will learn how God plans the end of this world as we know it.  

    He gives us free will whether to choose him as our Saviour in our lives or not and he tells us what happens to us when we accept or refuse Him.  Anyone with questions regarding this, you are welcome to contact me.  

  26. Logic don't always turn out true.

    Example.......A bumble bee, by all logic, is not suppose to be able to fly, but it has been for 100's of Millions of years, and scientists still cannot explain it.

  27. I am both a professional astronomer and a believer in God.  I find those two points not to be contradictory.  The "senior" authority on the Bible is the Roman Catholic Church, and even they consider the Old Testament to be largely symbolic.  They are prepared to accept that the Big Bang occurred about 13.7 billion years ago, and the Pope merely says that we should not attempt to research BEFORE the Big Bang, because that is the realm of God.  The Vatican also accepts the extreme probability of other life forms elsewhere in the Universe, and indeed, looks forward to contact with them!  It is also a bit silly to say God didn't make the Universe, it was Nature.  In this context, the two names are pretty much inter-changeable.  Incidentally, the Catholic Church also accepts that Man evolved from primates along with modern primates such as chimpanzees and gorillas.  God's plan was always that an intelligent species would emerge, so why not elsewhere, too?

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