
When Google launches its new web browser, will you try it out?

by  |  earlier

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I definitely will.

If it isn't that great, I'll just go back to Firefox.





  1. I would like to  not sure how it works  I just put in a question regarding if a person can keep internet explorer while trying it.  if not I dont think I will try it  i am concerned I would lose my e mail and not be able to play my POGO games

  2. As an Internet entrepreneur and a techie, you better believe it. I'll be especially looking for any marketing or SEO advantages to see if it will be able to facilitate life for marketers and epreneurs.

  3. I love the new browser and I think it's going to kill IE. It's just a better browser all together - and super fast. My favorite things about it is that it runs Javascript code much faster and that makes Google docs so much better!

    It's working great for me as we speak, and I'm a die hard Firefox user!

  4. No I won't. Who needs another browser?! I have IE8Beta2. I am waiting for the final build. Firefox is also ok.

  5. I will definitely look into Google Chrome. Based on what I read, it does have a lot of very good ideas. Basically what you said, if I don't like it, I'll go back to what I've been using (apple safari or firefox).

    I'm pretty confident that it will be very good.

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