
When Harvey Dent shoots Batman in the stomach, why didn't he die?

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Didn't he get a new set of armor? a more flexible one, but less durable against knife and gunfire?




  1. Because everyone knows its against all laws of physics to kill Batman.

  2. I understood that it could handle a minimum amount of gunfire, not none at all. Therefore, one gunshot is permissible, but not excessive.

  3. He probably still had some kind of bulletproof vest underneath.

  4. Yeah. It didnt totaly protect him, but it was enough to save him. But he was injured. EVER!

  5. Less durable, not completely ineffective, though.  

  6. cause he's Batman!!!

  7. Less durable but still enough to save his life

  8. Because it's a movie.  They don't use real guns and people don't really die.  It's all fake!  Everything is a lie!  Oh and Batman is ghey!

  9. Because batman doesn't die.

    Maybe it didn't hit a vital organ? (He did bleed, so no vest)

    He's a tough m**o.

    Watch the Dark Knight (Anime) that went with the movie.

    I'm not gonna ruin the "plot" but that may have something to do with it.

  10. If you like Batman you should vote for it on this site and get a free gift card.

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