
When Hillary is into the first 100 days of her term, will Bill have to assume duties of the first lady before?

by  |  earlier

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And will he have to be pushed to entertain the wifes of the visiting heads of state? Good grief!! Hollywood Babylon come to life!!




  1. There is no Constitutional obligation on any Presidential spouse or family member to perform any duty relating to the running of the White House or country.  Most do some service, if only to the running of the White House, willingly, because, otherwise, they'd get pretty bored!  ;)  

    However, in the Clintons' case, having an experienced, ex-President, by your side, with all the political and personal connections that entails, can only be a good thing for all concerned.  In other words, Bill will be more than willing and able to perform in any manner that will benefit the country, if only as a Goodwill Ambassador.

  2. Yep. There are several female heads of state in other countries, and he would entertain their husbands as well. The Chancellor of Germany and the President of Chile are both currently women.

  3. I'll bet Bill is really looking forward to all that "entertaining" - that has always been one of his strongest talents... ;-)

  4. Hillary Clinton if she wins as President will have Bill Clinton as the personal adviser but her decisions will be the one that will prevail.

    VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know if Hillary will likely win.

  5. Change isn't always a bad thing. I look forward to seeing how the White House has to modify itself for a female commander in chief and her first husband, no matter WHO that first woman president ends up being.

  6. Bill is gonna love it. She'll be busy all the time, think of all the free time he'll have. Whoa Bubba!

  7. lol, very funny and sumwhat true.....

  8. Pathetic! Did you ever keep in touch with any of the guys from Bragg?

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