
When I'm at work,I have other people that don't do their job,I try and concentrate on doing my job,not get?

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stressed,but I find that even when i do that,I still get stressed.I don't try and do everything quickly like I used to,Some other co-workers think I care too much about my job.Any ideas on how not to get stressed,besides concentrating on my job and not worrying about what other people are doing?I work at Ralphs grocery company




  1. You will find this in every place you work, and with every position you hold.  Unfortunately there are slackers in the work force from the top to the bottom.  I think you should be commended for caring about your job, and I think you should keep up the good work.  You never know who may be taking note of what you do and be using you as a role model.  

    One way to deal with things that are creating stress is:  identify the issue, list out the things you can do to change or influence the issue, and list out the things you can not change or influence the issue.

    Once you focus on this you know what you need to do to influence a positive result, and this will reduce your stress.  Note that the one thing you can always list as something you can do is work on your attitude.  

    I hope this helps, and please keep up the good work... I know the customers and management really appreciate you!

  2. Why do you care what they do, as long as you are doing what you are paid to do? There are always going to be people that stop looking for work once they find a job. Don't be one of them.

    If you are actually working as hard as you say you are, you wouldn't have time to notice what others aren't doing.  

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