
When I'm doing a serve or a bump, should the ball be hit by my wrist, my knuckles, or my arm?

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When I'm doing a serve or a bump, should the ball be hit by my wrist, my knuckles, or my arm?




  1. right above your wrist and your thumb, where if you push it feels like there is a little ditch

  2. ur arm-- just above ur wrist

  3. The ball should hit your upper wrist/lower arm.

  4. when you serve it should hit the palm of yor hand but when u bump it it should be your lower arm

  5. when you're serving, the idle spot to hit the ball is your palm. so you want to have a flat, open hand when you hit it.

    when bumping, you want to bump the ball on the area that is above your wrists and right under your elbow. this is called the plank. it's the flattest spot on your arm and has muscle so it won't hurt your bones. you definitely do NOT want to bump the ball with your wrists as you can be injured from this.

  6. Bump -when you turn your palms up. There is a flat part of your arm rihgt about your wrists.

    Underhand- make a fist and point it up (like your gonna give a thumbs up) that is where you hit on underhand

    Overhand- make your hand flat and spread your fingers apart. When you hit it overhand your hand should cover half of the ball

    hope this helps!!!

  7. for a overhand serve it should hit the pad part of ur hand (lower part) for underhand serve u can hit with the pad part of your hand  too when u pass the ball the ball should hit above the wrist nd below the elbow

  8. NOT WITH YOUR KNUCKLES!!! that is bad! hit it with your forearm when bumping, hit it with your hand when serving, or your fist but only with underarm serve

  9. You should do your serve with your palm.  You can use a fist or your knuckles, but I would recommend against it.  

    Your bump is also called a forearm pass.  You can now guess where you hit it.  You will use your forearms to pass the ball.  Just above your wrist.

  10. when you serve the ball you want your hand to be open and hit the ball with your palm(overhand serve) and for an underhand serve you want your hand in a fist and the ball hit the sides of your thumb and pointer finger.

    for a bump you want to have the ball contact the inside of your want your arms to be flat so that the ball is controlled..

    hope this helps good luck on volleyball it's an AMAZING sport!

  11. the beginnig of your forearm.

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