
When I'm having all four wisdom teeth pulled will they allow my husband in the room?

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Just because it would make me feel less nervous. Just wondering what yall think.

thank you




  1. i think it would depend on if they are using any anesthesia. my boyfriend had his bad tooth taken out and i was not able to go in. And it could depend on the doctors. I would insist to go in if you are real concerned.  

  2. I hope not.  Males don't handle that sort of thing very well - they often vomit and/or faint.

  3. I was surprised to learn that most dentists will allow one's spouse in the room if requested by the patient.  

  4. I guess that it would depend on the actual surgeon, however, when my wife had hers pulled she asked the same question and I was allowed there in the room with her.  Once she went under though, she didn't remember that i was there anyway though.  To this day, she remembers me being there when she went in, and then she was home again before she remembered anything else.  

  5. I suggest he hold your hand while they sedate you and then clear out.  there's not much room in there and what if he can't deal with it?

  6. Hi Kathryn,

    Just tell your dentist that you will feel less nervous if your husband is there .  But do not fear, it is a very simple procedure - it is not painful at all - only a bit uncomfortable after. You will be ok and would wonder why were you so nervous.



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