
When I'm short of money something always happens so that I get some...........?

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I always seem to come into money when I am in money difficulties. Is this just a coincidence or is there more to it?

It has happened all my life.




  1. can you send some my way please.........i need some!

  2. I think its your aura! Seriously, I can remember twice in my life that I was really stuck, and money came to me. Both times at LAX- Los Angeles. 400 hundred miles from home-broke. One was a guy approached and asked to buy my boots! I was good, making him pay a fair price. The other can't be told for security reasons.LOL   I liked LA so much from that, I moved there for 4 1/2 years.

  3. it is called luck,but be thankful for it,because u may not be so lucky next time.

  4. I have noticed the same thing.  Have you also noticed that when you have a surplus of money something always seems to come up to spend it on?

    Basically, most of us lead flexible lives and can adjust our ancillary (i.e. unnecessary) expenses pretty readily.

  5. you are privileged.mapalad ka

  6. Probably coincidence, there is not any body out thre granting you this as soon as you fall short of cash, i know what you mean though as it`s happened to me in the past on several occasions....

  7. i am the same, ive had money troubles as im bringing two kids up on my own with no financial support from their dad, and at times ive thought i was going to lose my house, couldnt afford to do food shop...but every time something comes along to tide me over. i just consider myself very lucky, like someone is looking out for me, that they think im doing the right thing and are helping me.

  8. Didn't I lend you a wad last night?

  9. GOD is always looking after those who need and do not expect.

  10. Mine too...I put it down to destiny.


  11. Some people are just lucky like that. I know a guy who wins all kinds of cool stuff, like 2 motorcycles in 2 years and a fishing boat too.  My luck is so bad.  

    And P D never let your appliances know that you have money in the bank, some how they just know when to break!

  12. the same happens to me and my partner...we can be really down about having no money and worrying how were going to pay the bills and sumhow we seem to find money from some where e.g car got rear ended a couple of months ago(we only paid £300 for it) got cheque from insurance company yesterday for £635!!!

    just the way it works

  13. You are one lucky person!!! In my case when something like that happened to me it was that my bank got me confused with another person. I tend to spend little on what I do not need and save what is left quite the polar opposite of my hubby. He is such a girl with money :) !!!

  14. Certainly, there is more to it. Unknown to you, God has programmed your life. It looks like magic to you when God's plans for you  are coming to pass.

  15. we get that

  16. Ditto...but did you notice that you can't "count on" that happening? Every time I "counted " on  it, it wouldn't happen. It's always a "surprise" ..for me anyway. And I was "rescued" today again..not exactly in the same way..but..I was really low on money and needed to buy food for our dogs & cats. I remembered 2 I had bought that I didn't really like & hadn't worn. Took them back & got the pet food with money to spare..and the food was on sale. Maybe it happens because we "appreciate" it when it happens and don't take it for granted. Who knows???What's that old sayin'? "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth"!! (Wonder what that means??) I guess..don't ask any questions..just "take the money and run"

    EDIT also helps if you're around good, caring people& have good friends.

  17. it is called you lucky little devil

    regards x kitti x

  18. someone is looking down on you!

    its nice to know you are loved from up above :)

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