
When I'm watching paranormal TV or go on a ghost walk I sometimes feel really emotional?

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Like I want to cry and I can feel all this emotion building up behind my eys like I just want to atart crying, it isn't fear because i'm not frightened of ghosts but is there any explanation? Even when I watch stuff like Most Haunted (I mean it's on TV for goodness sake!) it comes on all of a sudden - what is it!!?




  1. It means you are highly susceptible to suggestion.It is not a good thing,you could be exploited.Try to take a more open-minded look at things.This is emotional not spiritual.

  2. If it's really freaking you out, meditate for a while. You will find the answer.

  3. Oh..........Relax! These are only things called FEAR. They come only for the scared person. They are not real, your mind are playing trick with you. Maybe some friend accompany you will solve this kind problem............or some warm drink coffee or something.........

    (sorry for my poor English...)

  4. OK I'll let you in on something.

    I am a highly emotional person.

    When I am extremely nervous I cry, When I am Happy I cry, When I am scared I cry, When I am excited I cry and When I'm mad I cry.

    I am completely a cry-baby. Most of the time it is just the welling up lump in the throat from anticipation. I love the paranormal and just the thought that I might actually get that experience or the evidence that could prove someone isn't crazy does it to me every time. I am getting better and controlling it a little but it still there.

    I also have a tendency to feel raw emotion, if I hear something sad then I in return will take on the sadness, but if I hear something funny then in return I will have that happy feeling.

    Your not silly but it happens I just thought I'd share my experience with you.

  5. It's called being scared.   The funny TV reality shows make use of creepy surroundings, the darkness, every little creaking sound to play on this emotion.

    No big deal, everybody is afraid of something.   Part of the fun.

  6. Let me try to help here.  As a Paranormal Examiner for almost 28 years now, I've heard a lot of "stories"...with 80% being just that, Stories.  The Human Psyche has a tendency to amplify the emotions when engrossed in an activity that the person feels give them excited feelings.  It's totally natural, and some persons are more emotionally sensitive than others.  To overcome this, try interspersing some Pleasant thoughts into your Conscious mind with what you are engrossed at the time.  It may lead to a little more "balance", and you will enjoy the activity even more.

    Good Luck!

  7. i think its an excitment that you cant control so your brain expresses it as an emotion like crying. its pretty normal, you must have a great interest in it and you want to experience it?

  8. I sincerely believe that your private angel is trying to tell you something. My suggestion is when you are in that emotion sit in the front of BUDDHA statue and meditate for 30 minutes.Meditate completely absorbing  inwardly and do not fluctuate your mind,body and spirit. Two things will happen to you. You will get a very clear message from your angel and/or will trans in a very peaceful mind. Good luck.


  10. A spirit has probably latched on to your receptiveness. When you are concentrating on your belief in such things, you are opening yourself to many different channels. This spirit might be sad, or maybe it is some one from your past who misses you. Basically you are probably picking up the emotions of the energies around you.

  11. Could be like Psi said the the story is tragic and you're picking up the emotionality of the story. I'm an empath, I feel the emotions of others, living or dead, so I have to be careful what I watch on tv, but yeah.. very often talking to the spirits I talk to, I end up in tears and sobbing for the pain they went through. So to me, this is normal. Sounds to me like you might just be experiencing what they spirits are. :)

  12. Well let's see I think the skeptics would say yes (they can explain all things) and suggest that you stop the illegal drug use, tell you without question that you are bi-polar because of your mood swings and emotions and suggest legal medication for your condition.

    However, not being an all knowing YA skeptic I would ask if you don't cry at sad movies or if you aren't moved by other things on TV.

    Many haunting stories be they from tour guides or TV programs have tragic stories and perhaps you are simply a caring person that is OK with expressing emotion.

    Sure there is an explanation but that doesn't mean we know what it is. I have provided two explanations above that you could choose from but which you choose of the two (or something else altogether) is up to you.


  13. It sounds to me like you've made some sort of emotional association with the paranormal.

    I experience something similar.  Watching Paranormal State makes me want to tear out my hair.

  14. you are experiencing the emotions of the spirits around you and they get stronger trying to get through to you. As I am writing this I keep getting a girl trying to contact you she is very sad for some reason you should try and talk to her. I don't know much more. They talk to you telepathically.

  15. this same thing happens to me about a lot of things... i t is because what you are watching is something that your soul chose to learn and get into before you entered your life here... that is the recognition... the crying and emotion is because you have not done it yet. you have not done exactly what YOU chose for this life. this will continue until you get on track with your path. i guarantee, the pain will get worse if you do not. chances are though, that you definitely will, but perhaps you initially chose to do it earlier than now, and you have PUT IT OFF. am i right?

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