
When I Get Married, Who Will Walk Me Down The Isle:?

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My step-dad or my dad?

I'm closer to my biological father, but my step-dad raised me.

Walking half-way with one and then finishing with the other is out of the question, because me and my fiance have decided that he (my fiance) will meet me half way down the isle.





  1. How about one on each side of you?  That's what I'd do.  That, or if you're the type, some people are, to integrate humor and whimsy into your wedding, have them stand at the end of aisle and flip a coin.

  2. Have one on each side if they are both important to you!

    Half way down the isle they can kiss you on your cheeks and pass you on to your husband

  3. I take it that you feel that four people would be too crowded? You don't need to have your parents walk you down the aisle at all. If you do want to do that then give your mom a say. After all, she will be walking with whichever father accompanies you also.

  4. Tough one. Talk to them both. Tell them they are both very special to you. Get one of the to walk you down the aisle and maybe one of them could lift your veil?? Or the other one could have the father daughter dance.

    Do they get along. You could have one on each arm if they were ok with that. That would be sweet.

    All the best and follow your heart :)

  5. its completely up to you. im sure that if your dad and step-dad are on good terms they could both walk you down one on each arm or something.

  6. does anyone need to walk you?

  7. I would have the one I am closest to walk me.  Or have both of them, one on each side, if there's room for it.

  8. what everyone else has said both on each arm.

    if yu don't want to do that. Have your real dad take you down.

  9. Have both of them walk on each side...have them speak at the same time and everything when they give you away

  10. I think it is great that you have two dads to walk you down!!  I would go with both.  Congratulations and enjoy your day... savour every moment because it goes so fast!!

  11. Since your biological father made you, have him walk you for seven steps while your step dad wait in a pew. After the seven steps, they change places and your step dad walk seven steps with you. When the clergery ask "Is there anyone who objects to you getting married"? then your biological dad walks up to you, your man and your step dad and say we are family. That will give your friends, family and your so called friends something to talk about for a long time. Try it, your only have one chance to prove to three that you love and respect them all.

  12. Have them both walk you down.

    Imagine if you chose one over the other, how upset the other would be?

    It would be so cute to do that! You love them both so much and it's your day so why not?

    And have two daddy and daughter dances.

  13. both of them.

  14. Either both or you could always elope

  15. you choose who want you simple!,.

  16. You should have one walk you down half way then your other father walk you to the end.

  17. I have the same problem.

    But my wedding planner helped me with that.

    Let them both walk you down the isle.

    you in the middle of both of them.

  18. i like the idea of them both walking you down

  19. is there room for one on either side of you?  if not, have one do 1/3 of the aisle (the biological father) then the stepfather do another 1/3, then your husband takes you the rest of the way.  you owe it to both of them, don't leave one of them out.  you have to find a way for both of them to take you at least part way.  but i'd say have one on either side of you, that way they can both walk you down and your fiance can still meet you half way down the aisle

  20. i was having the same issue, but i decided to walk myself down the aisle. i figured that would not offend either of them

  21. u could have 1 on each side or go it alone! congrats!

  22. one on either side!

    but if you are close with your dad how could he not?

  23. well i went to a wedding and she had a dad and a step dada and they BOTH walked her down,

    on on each arm,

  24. i reckon you should have both walk down the isle. one on each side.

  25. If you're concerned about being equally fair and it's to difficult for you, then try equally unfair. Walk alone down the aisle.

    Then have two Father-Bride dances at the reception, one with each. Both will want to walk you down the aisle though.

    So walk with both or neither. Best of luck.

  26. Have them both walk you down.

    Both my Mum and Dad are walking me down the aisle.

  27. have them both walk you down the aisle.....  that way neither of them get offended or think you have a favorite.  I'm having my two brothers walk me down the aisle =)  Good Luck and CONGRATS!!!

  28. If their relationship is good, then have one either side of you.

    Or, you could choose your bio dad, then in the speeches , make a really lovely special toast to your step-dad, and make a light hearted remark about how you are so lucky to have been spoilt with 2 great Dads.  Give him a special gift maybe ?

  29. real da and step daddy ;)

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