
When I am baked why does it seem like peoples emotions are poorly acted?

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So after smoking a little bit of weed I feel like when I talk to people, they seem sort of fake. Its like everything they say they are trying to act out. Nobodies personality seems legit/real. Is this a normal insight I've developed, or am I experiencing something abnormal?




  1. thats kind of weird but weird stuff happens to high peopel

  2. You might be seeing through their BS because your boundaries are now loosened up. Your inhibitions are gone.

    You're probably seeing things how they really are.

  3. Getting baked changes your perception of reality. I would put it to the test and interact with the same person when you are not high and see if you still feel the same about it. Also if they are high too they are probably having a hard time coming off normal because they are high! I always feel a bit stifled when trying to converse while stoned.  

  4. Hmm, I've been a regular smoker for 6 years and have never felt that way. But maybe it's because I get anti-social when I'm stoned and don't like talking to people!

  5. Whacky tobacky impairs your judgment.  

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