
When I buy a chicken teryaki at Subway, what should I put on it?

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When I buy a chicken teryaki at Subway, what should I put on it?




  1. Get the pizza instead.  It's surprisingly good.

  2. definitely the sweet onion sauce, and monterey jack cheese

    i put lettuce, cucumber, jalepenos, salt and lots of pepper

    on italian herb and cheese

  3. I get it on honey oat bread, and get swiss cheese. Then I put pickles, olives, cucumbers, a lot of pepper, and sweet onion sauce. UMMM!! Its my favorite

  4. Asiago cheese bread.  Its good!

  5. I just go with the regular white french bread... You don't want to overpower the flavor of the meat with some bread that has been overly seasoned... or has chunks of oats in it.

  6. Get herb bread and put banana peppers, olives, and some kind of cheese. I wish you could have rice at Subway....that goes well with teryaki chicken..... ;-)

  7. Honey oat bread, swiss cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickles, banana peppers, honey mustard sauce, salt and pepper, olives, anything else you like. [ :

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