
When I changed my cleaning solution it burnt my eyes?

by  |  earlier

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For two months everything was rosy and no problem, yesterday I used a different kind of cleaning solution and all of a sudden when I took my contacts out of its case (after being disinfected all night with the new solution) my eyes burnt and went red I had to take them off.

What was the problem?




  1. You're allergic to the new solution. Buy a bottle of saline (sold in the same section as multi-purpose contact solution) and rinse your lenses off very well. Then, go ahead and put your lenses in for an overnight soak in a newly-cleaned case with your old solution.

  2. Maybe he solution might not be suitable for u. check with ur eye doc asap.

  3. Your allergic and sensitive to the solution.  Return it to the store and get your money back and then buy your old solution.  This has happened to me before.  I'm sensitive/allergic to some lens solutions out there, too.

  4. maybe it's because you switched so fast and your eyes are used to something different. But you gotta be careful with your eyes sweetie!!! that's a very senstive place. It's like eating a certain type of food and then switching to something totally different. It's going to upset your stomach because your not used to it. Maybe you should stick with the old solution. But if you need to switch it's going to burn until you get used to it. WATCH OUT NOW!!! lol good luck sweetheart

  5. You obviously have an allergy to the new solution. If you had no problems with the previous brand, I don't see the need in why you decided to change.

    A best brand for you may be the worse for another. You shouldn't listen to other people's judgements about things like this.

    If possible, take the remaining solution back for a refund.

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