
When I chase a cockroach away, why does it come towards me instead of running away from me ?

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I have noticed this several times... so it can't be an oddity




  1. .... you smell like garbage??

  2. this happened 2 my grandma i guess cause it's mad at u

  3. I have no idea but if you've noticed it several times you might want to call an exterminator!

  4. If you've been destined to eat garbage and rat c**p for your entire life, you'd want to die as fast as possible too.  Considering the fact that if you were a roach, you could live without a head for quite some time, it's best to just face the facts that a quick squish ends your meaningles life all the quicker.

  5. cockroaches go to smell of food if it on your shoes it will folloew it

  6. You aren't scary enough.  Try making a crazy face while you are chasing it.

  7. Oh wow!!!  It plays chicken with you?  Thats crazy!!

  8. well, it knows where you live, it knows your bank details and everything about you, it want yuor life duh ^_^. next time spray it, that'll show it whose boss!

  9. because they are absolutely fearless and it is coming to bite your toes

  10. sounds like it has a crush. have a heart, take him out, have a blast. but do not be tempted to eat him during your date. i love raw cockroach, absoloutly delicious.

  11. Yeah,there brave little suckers aren't they.

  12. SEEK   PROFESSIONAL   HELP        N   O   W  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. because cockroaches are crazy things and they have some kind of terrorist thinking pattern. i mean, they're even programmed for the job! they can be hit several times and still drag their guts around the house, they can live like 3 weeks without a head, and i'm sure if you dropped a bomb on them they probobly wouldn't die either.

  14. try running away. maybe it will too.

  15. Because they are "cocky"???

    Seriously... drawn to the noise possibly.

  16. Cockroaches are pure evil.

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