
When I dine out, I like to have peace & quiet. Should there be a kids section where all kids 12 and under...?

by  |  earlier

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must sit?




  1. My 10 year old daughter and 8 year old boy would say that they have right of choice just like you do.  Choose to eat in a restaurant designed for adults, eat after 8pm, find a quiet spot yourself.  Don't let us forget you were 12 once.

  2. Well, not if it's a family oriented place.  If it's a place that caters to kids you can't expect that.

  3. they should have a place to stick parents who don't control their kids.

  4. Yes...Restaurants should have a "Kids & parents" section.

  5. no, they have a right to be in there same as you do. shoulda ordered out & had it delivered  if you dont like kids.

  6. no ppl just need to control thier kids and not let them bug  other customers

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