
When I discipline my cat he talks back at me is this normal?

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Ok ok sorry...meowing




  1. yea hes probably in his teenage years his hormones are raging!

  2. HA!  He's telling you off silly; cats communicate just like us; it's not our fault we can't understand their language!!!!

  3. Absolutely he is testing you , animals have such great personalities.

  4. Maybe not for all cats, but yours isn't sick or anything :]

  5. Yeah, sometimes they will hold a grudge against you too. I noticed if mine is mad at me when she lays down she will put her back towards me.  That tells me she is ticked off.

  6. Lol. My cat meows back at me all the time when I tell him not to do something, and then he'll do it again when I'm not looking. I think it's normal, because one of my friends has a cat that does the same thing. Cats have a different attitude than most other animals, which can be very amusing at times.    

  7. Absolutely. He's not saying sorry, though- knowing cats, he's probably telling you to shut up and pet him :P

  8. Lol, that is the funniest thing I have seen all day!

    When I discipline my dogs, they sometimes do that... I think it might just be typical animal behavior and I would not worry about it!

  9. Explain "discipline"...

  10. Yes. Its completely normal.

    Because cats talk now.

    ITs all over the news. If you don't want him to talk back to you smack him upside the head next time he does it.  

  11. Yes, I recommend washing his mouth out with soap.

  12. This is what drugs can do to you.

  13. Hmmm...

    Most cats are just looking for attention, or maybe perhaps you've spoiled it.  Now I have to ask is the father around a lot?


    wait a minute...

    A cat???

    Oh, no thats not normal.

  14. I don't think it is ever normal for a cat to talk back at you.

  15. Yes, but don't take it from him.  Spray him with the little spray bottle for his disrespect.

  16. Cat's are cat's. They always seem to have to get in the last word.

    At least with my cat.

    I am sure your question is asked with some worry but on behalf of the majority of us who are laughing, once you realize it's just something your cat is going to do it will begin to amuse you as well.

    I have a Maine-Coon, he will NEVER let anyone get the last word in, even if it is over something silly. It is rather an amusing thing to watch.

    If you want to watch other cats do the same thing in a more amusing way, check out youtube or some such. It can be quite hilarious.

    If this is suddenly a new habit, I suggest watching your cat closely for any of those other "sick-feeling" side-effects they begin to show (I,E, lethargy, not eating/drinking as much, not going to the restroom like normal. If other signs like that follow along with this new "talking back" behavior, it never hurts to be safer than sorry.

    I wish you and your "attitude'y" cat the best.

  17. My cat throws p**p at me.

  18. Oh, it's normal, what would be strange was if you understood it.

  19. If it's meowing, you know, cat speak, it is perfectly normal. If it is human speech, then I have two questions.

    1) What are you on?!

    2) Give me some of it!

  20. no! your cat must be a person stuck in a cats body obviously!

  21. yea, my cat is a big back talker (hisser) always trying to win the argument.  

  22. when i dicipline my cat she bites my right knee then steals the dishcloth and hides it under the sofa, not just sometimes, EVERTIME i tell her off!!!! just different personalities!

  23. At the same time, repelling cats should be done in the most ‘humane’ way possible. There are several options to consider in keeping those mean cats away, easily and safely.

    Cat Powder

    Easy to apply to the garden, these cat powders appeal to the instincts of the cats. These contain the scent of a predator, usually a coyote. Cats recognize the territoriality of animals, thus having such scent in the house would keep them away.

    One only has to sprinkle this in the desired area. The ones available in the market are usually not harmful to children and to the plants in the garden.

    Sound Repellent

    This creates sounds that are extremely annoying to a cat but remains undetected to humans.

  24. haha yes it is, my cat does the same thing.  He is sassing you.

  25. yes definitely..its on how you discipline your cat and how early you tried disciplining your cat..old cats cant learn new tricks..

  26. A cat?

    Try giving him a cheeseburger.

    And yes, its normal. Cats love to eat cheeseburgers, so thats the only thing I can suggest.

  27. what does he say?  If he meows, thats probably normal, but if he asks you for a beer, its probably not.

  28. cats dont talk. if hes meowing, its cuz hes pissed.

  29. Yes. Cats aren't man's best friend they are there own person er, cat  

  30. yah my cat used to do that she would meow at me ....its normal humans talk back why can't they!

  31. Of course it is..Your the cat, he is the human..ha..ha!

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