
When I do exercising/weight lifting I go dizzy?

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So yea, when I'm doing one of my 3 a week weight and exercise session I tend to go some what dizzy and things are out of focus. Now I do heavily exert myself to get the best of the lifting but I'm worried at why this happens..

Each session last about 1H 15M and covers upper and mid-body, I do tend to put a lot of pressure on my neck as well.

Any suggestions appreciated, I'm 18, male and defiantly strong, fit and healthy despite being some what underweight at 5' 10" and about 10st.





  1. You need to eat more.  Your body needs to have fuel to workout efficiently for an hour.  Good luck!

  2. i would say i hope you a remembering to breathe correctly,,ive seen countless people actually hold there breath whilst doing some exercises ,,especially squats,and bench press!!that would make you dizzy,,,its easy to forget to breath right if your not fully focused,,hope i might have helped.

  3. you could be dehydrated, or maybe you didn't eat enough

  4. People sometimes get dizzy by being exhausted.

  5. You might be pushing yourself too hard, or your might just be dehydrated. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids, especially when you work out. If  that doesn't help, you might want to consult a doctor or trainer. Good luck!

  6. You might want to check with a doctor and get a blood count done. It is possible you're exhibiting signs of iron deficiency Anemia. When you work out the red blood cells need to provide you with more oxygen. In the case of Anemia the red blood cells aren't capable of supplying this therefore the brain is starved of oxygen,hence, your dizziness and even shortness of breathe because the lungs will also be starved of oxygen.

    It is always highly recommended that you see a doctor before engaging in exercises.


    It would be really hard to make yourself dizzy out by overexerting yourself, if you are doing your workouts properly. I give 100% at the gym and rarely have the occurence.

    Possibly, look at the form of your workouts, I do not see how you would have a lot of neck pressure if your back and shoulders are properly supported and positioned. You may want to lower your weight just to get the proper form down pat. Shoot for 6-8 reps, 3-4 sets with muscle build. Don't do the high school 1 or 2 rep max c**p i see most 18 year olds do who come once a week and don't ever put muscle on.

    It probably has to do with diet and water.

    You need to eat before your workout. Eat some quick burning carbs right before your workout. Eat an orange, some oatmeal, etc. That should help with dizziness.

    Water is an important part of muscle gain. Often a lot more than that doctor's paradigm - eight glasses of water a day. Especially during workouts. Try getting a sip of water in the rest time in between sets. Carry a water bottle, whatever, just intake more water.

    Just a few suggestions - keep on going!

  8. Sounds like you are either pushing yourself too hard, or not breathing properly.

  9. I get dizzy while I'm training if I haven't eaten in a while or if I'm not drinking enough fluids during my workout. It might be a good idea to speak to your GP though, for reassurance.

  10. it happens when your blood pressure goes up or down too much.usual reason is the hearts' over or under exertion on the blood going to your head supplying you're either not aerobicaly fit or just lifting too much

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