
When I drink any kind of coffee, whether instant or brewed, I feel dizzy and experience palpitations.Why?

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I'm able to eat any kind of chocolate as well as drink cola without feeling anything. But I wonder why I feel dizzy and experience palpitations when I drink coffee, specifically, whether with or without milk and cream.




  1. happens to some people, caffiene can increase heart rate and if u dont drink it much it can be more noticeable

  2. Coffee has alot of caffeine  


  3. More than likely it's because of th high caffeine content. Why don't you try decaffeinated?

  4. It's not super weird to experience this when trying coffee for the first few times.  I remember the first time me and my brother tried coffee.  We both got sick and had similar experiences as yours.  I now drink coffee regularly and it doesn't affect me like that anymore.  You should consult a doctor if you feel that the dizziness/palpitations are serious.  

  5. Coffee has more caffeine in it

  6. Coffee has caffeine in it, it makes you wake up quickly and give you heaps of energy. You probably drank way too much at one time. What, are you drinking like a litre at once or something?

  7. palpitations are horrible, i get them too. it is a malfunction of the heart where is fails to return to its resting pulse in a normal time frame.

    it is probably because the caffeine in everything in your list raises your motabalism, and increases your heart rate (probably too quickly) and sets off your palpitations, which uses too much air and makes you light headed (because you aren't breathing at the right rate) so you get dizzy.

    i recommend decaf coffee.

  8. that happens to me but only because i dont normally drink coffee and the stronger the brew the worse it gets, i figured out though that  really old coffee affects me really little

  9. You probably have a sensitivity to caffeine. You should stay away from coffee and caffeinated sodas. You might want to go to a doctor too- It's not especially normal to react that way from just coffee, but until you do, definitely avoid it, you could make yourself very sick.  

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