
When I get older I'm moving to Australia.... Or Newzeland?

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Which one would be better?


Do you live there?

Good place to raise a family?




  1. I believe Australia would be better because it is a very lucxouious place. They have a great government as well. THere are plenty of festas and celebrations. Switzerland gets very cold nad I personally perfer warm weather, mabey you do too. I dont live there but I am thinking about it. It is also a great place to raise a family because houses are ceaper than a lot of places. You would probabl,y have plenty of space for that family as well.

  2. Australia, Sydney. As it is a multicultural city, nice, clean, with beautiful beaches, safe and with a nice climate. I lived there for 6 months only, but I can say I was proud of living there. I didn't have children at the time, but I believe it is a nice place to raise a family...

    I am originally from Brazil, so for me it was a good mixture between emerging and developed countries. High life quality...

    Never been to New Zealand, but my friends who visited NZ loved it too...


    Brisbane,i live South of brisbane ,

    Ive been over here just under a year with my wife and 3 kids and we LOVE IT, if your planning to rent its cheaper here than it is in new zealand, we lived in South Auckland rent was terrible, we also lived in a little town outside of Tauranga the rent was also terrible thier 2 and the hourly rate SUXz,

    making money is better in Australia, i wouldve had to work about 65-75hours  a week back in nz to make what i make here in a 38 hour week(im a cabinet maker)

    although i do miss the clean air and the green green grass and the FISH n CHIPS "Man do i miss the fish n chips"

    yup and the education is better in nz

    thats nothing compared to quality of life youll have here

    Brisbane is great to bring up a family dunno bout anywhere else in Aussie

    WEATHER IS BEAUTIFUL, im just glad its coming into winter soon 2 hot for me in Summer but ill get used to it so ive been told

    People are friendly(well the people ive met so far have been)

    and thats about it

    So when you get older make sure youve finished school got some kind of certificate or trade and gud work experience then move here to AUSTRALIA

    I wish i hadve moved here when i was younger

  4. As a New Zealander living in Australia, i would say for a family  New Zealand, the pace of life is a little bit slower and housing is far more affordable. Im not sure what the person above me is saying but sydney is one of the most expensive cities to live in the world. New Zealand has a great education system and government, its a clean green place that is focused on the family. If moving to Nz I would say try and find a smallish town rather than the city.

    Living in Sydney at the moment housing is going through the roof. Hundreds of people are foreclosing on mortgages, the aussie dollar is pretty strong against the US but our interest rates just keep rising. Sydney is very multicultural but with each culture they tend to stick to the same areas and really only shop/talk to people of the same nationality, which is a bit of a divide and things can get tense.

    Good Luck

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