
When I give birth will I have to have an IV?

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I know this is silly, but I am terrified of IVs. I have a phobia of needles, I do not like veins, and IVs combine both of these fears.

I'm 24 weeks along, and starting to think about giving birth. I really do not want to have an IV. An epidural I've heard is a huge scary needle, but its given in your back so as long as I don't look at it (I realize I'm being such a baby, but this is a real phobia), I think I will be okay.

Its the possibility of an IV I'm more worried about, having that thing in my hand just totally freaks me out.

That said, I'm willing to do whats best for the baby. I've had two blood tests already, and although I trembled and cried and yelled, I got through them. If an IV is really important or really necessay I would make myself do it.

How important is it? Anyone out there given birth *without* one?




  1. if you are having an epidural you will absolutely have to have an iv. because they will not allow you to eat and drink during labor they will give you iv fluids so that you don't become dehydrated. if you were going to do natural drug free childbirth there is a chance that you would not have to have an iv.  i am doing drug free birth and i did compromise with a heplock in case they need to give me an iv in an emergency. but there is no way you can have an epidural and not get iv fluids.

  2. If you have the baby at a hospital you will get an IV. My daughter is a labor/delivery nurse and it is automatic where she works and I had one all 3 times. You will be OK, just don't watch them do it and remember it is for the health of your baby so you will not get dehydrated during labor and its there if you need any other meds.especially in an emergency situation.

  3. Ye.most do, keeps fluids in your body for you n baby!You don't always have to have it your hand,tell them your veins are small,that way they use a small needle!!!

  4. If you deliver in a hospital, you will have an IV. It's standard procedure. If that's where you're delivering, then it's important that you share your fears with your nurse. Believe me...she will understand and be sympathetic to your phobia and will do whatever she can to help reduce your fear about it. You should also hare your fears with your doctor now.

    That could consider a home birth with a midwife rather than a hospital birth. You should also discuss other alternative birthing methods with your doctor and together come up with the plan that works best for you and your pregnancy.  The important thing is that you should not be embarrassed to share your phobia with your health providers. They'be heard it all before. There are many, many people out there with phobias of needles and IV's and it's an issue that all health care workers are familiar with.

  5. i think it depends but if u have to have an IV try to think of something else and don't look at it. i don't have a phobia of needles but they do freak me out. but u should do whats best for the baby and u might realize it was worth it!=)

  6. I just wanted to tell you you're not the only one afraid of needles. I have passed out before while getting a blood test because in my head, I felt like the life was being drained from im afraid of them.Well it's not really the needle im afraid of -  I have a phobia of them taking blood from my veins or putting anything into my veins. It freaks me out. I wont even let anybody touch my wrist or anywhere where veins are visible on me, lol.

    I've had one blood test so far with this pregnancy and I just sucked it up the best I could and wouldnt look at it while it was happening. I try hard not to think of it when it's happening.

    And everybody tells me if im afraid of needles then I am going to hate getting an epidural (if I do) so im scared about that. But like you said, it's behind you so maybe it wont be so bad.

    Funny thing is my boyfriend is a paramedic and he gives people IVs all the time so he thinks im nuts. lol

  7. First, the not-so-good news: Yes, you'll need an IV because you can sometimes get dehydrated during birth, and they'll need a quick way to administer fluids and/or any medicine you might need. But it won't be in your hand, usually - it will be in the arm.

    The epidural is NO BIGGIE!!!! The second that needle touches your spine, you go completely numb and can't even feel the needle go completely in! I hate needles, too, but I LOVED my epidurals! They are a total Godsend and make you relaxed and pain-free. They're great.

    Also - now the good news - once you're in labor, the needles are not going to be as big a deal as they seem right now. Trust me. I have the same phobia. You will be much more concerned with your child and getting through the birth. I swear, by my third, I remember looking at the IV in my arm and thinking: "Hmm. When did they do that?"

    You'll be okay!!!

  8. Its usually given in most hospitals and its always given when you have an epidural. Its required in case they need to give you drugs and to keep you hydrated, which in turn keeps the baby hydrated. Also, when you give birth you can lose lots of blood and an IV helps to keep up your blood volume.

    If it bothers you that much, you can ask the nurse to cover the needle part with some gauze or a bandage so you can't see it?

  9. 9 out 10 times yo will. But honey an iv is the least of your worries,you've got 18 years to worry about.

  10. Depends. Some labors are fast and others drag on. The longer one is in labor the more likely you'll get an IV. This keeps you hydrated and is best. If it's needed, make sure you are laying down and look away. Don't watch. Let the Nurse or Dr. know of your fears and they will work with you. I have years of experience in this and have seen great big manly men faint from getting their blood dawn. Looking away and laying down works. An epidural is not something you should be thinking of. You really need to take a birthing course. Pain management is possible with out intervention. An Epidural is something you should only do as a last resort. Anything you put in your blood stream goes into your baby's blood stream.

  11. If you have an epidural you will have an iv for fluids and other meds. If you don't get an epidural check your hospital's policies. Mine would allow you to go without if you were doing ok, not dehydrated, and didn't need any other meds such as pitocin or pain meds.

  12. You probably will, but you can ask for it in your arm so you don't have to look at it! To be honest with you, the IV will be last on your mind when you are in labor.  Good luck!

  13. If you get an epidural you HAVE to have an IV also

  14. yes because the have to keep fluids in u at all time.but to get though it think of a place u would like to go and think about how the wind feels and how beautiful it is. that should help

  15. im pretty sure they always give you one, in case they need to quickly administer something you wouldnt want them poking you around tryin to find a vein in an emergency! plus by then im sure you will be so excited scared nervous happy about having your baby you wont be as focused on the lil iv needle! im terrified of needles cause i have terrible veins, but  if its safer for me and my baby ill do it!

    :D try not to think about it too much.

  16. if you have an epidural you have to have one you have know choice  

  17. if you get an epidural you need an iv also (you must be giving iv fluids)

    for natural birth the choice is up to you (you don't have to have anything done you don't want to consent to)

    for a c-section you would have the same as an epidural

    my next pregnancy will be a home birth with a midwife (and no IV or epidural) ;)

  18. you shouldnt unless they need to administer drugs to you-

  19. I just took a labor and delivery tour and they told me that they do give IVs to all patients. For a number of reasons to give drugs and to keep you hydrated for energy. Though Im not sure if all hospitals do this I guess it depends on where you go.

  20. It's possible to give birth without one. You have heard of moms giving birth in car's at home, etc.... It's there for dulling the pain and for numbing the pain. And if you are a bit sick or low on something it's there to feed you what you need. I hate needles to but what's more important, Your phobia of needles or a newborn healthy baby...

  21. if you want to go through with a natural birth, that means no needles!!!

  22. No, if you choose an "All natural" labor and delivery, you will not be given any type of medication via IV.  

  23. With both of mine it was not an option.  The IV is there for your and your babies protection.  It allows the attending physician to administer medication if you need it.  It also allows for quick medical attention should anything go wrong during delivery.  You want to be safe and you want your unborn child to be safe.  Think of it like a seat belt when you are driving.  It might be uncomfortable but it keeps you safe.

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