
When I go back to skool I am on my period And i get really bad stomach pains Why is this happening ?

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I have had this trouble before but I was on holiday with the school and didn't have to do that much that day cause it hurt so much. But now I am going back to school I know I will get the pains and What can i do and Why is it Happening? please help. x




  1. Stomach cramps are your bodys way of pushing out the egg and the lining of your uterus out because you haven't fertilized the egg. You can take paracetamol, get heat patches. It happens to most girls and is called PMT [pre-menstrual tension] or period pains. Search on google for more remedies. There are tons out there that will help you get through the school day. When your at home you can have a hot bath with nice bath oils etc, hot water bottles, heat patches, small bits of exercise, laying down. Hope it gets better but every girl has it so don't worry :)

  2. It is probably your uterus contracting.  Your uterus is a muscle and basically has "spasms" during most of your period (hence-cramps!)

    Try Midol when you're in school.

    You can also get those heating things that stick your skin and will last 8+ hours; those can reduce the spasms by alot.  They make them for "abdominal".

  3. Well, I don't know how old you are, but I used ot have those problems starting at 15. I went to the doctor and was put on birth control pills. This does not mean you have to start having s*x if your not already, by the way. But the pill will help to ease the pain of cramps and make periods more regular and they even have new pills now, to wear I only have a period like 2 days and it is very light and great. I have always had cramps, but the pill and the hormones in it help allot. Also the rumor is true it does kind of help your b***s grow. At least it did for me. If you try the pill and it does not get better you may need to be tested for endometriosis. i was and be ware the tests are not very fun. Hope that helps.  

  4. its because your bodys growing and producing blood. ask ur mom or doctor for a cramp pill  

  5. eeeew herhuggy dude thats disgusting. ur 13 right? i dont think u wanna do that ..... .just like take some calpol or something, or some sort of medicine i hope it gets better for u :) x  

  6. If you a teenager DO NOT take aspirin. It is really bad for you. Take midol, or advil or something like that. I find a heating pad or hot water bottle, or hot bath work wonders too.

  7. You can feel menstrual cramps in a lot of different places sometimes... in your lower belly, across the front of your hips, in your lower back and even in your buttocks or down your legs.

    Your uterus is squeezing and sometimes sort of twisting, and that can be uncomfortable all by itself... but when it does that it can sometimes pull on the suspensory ligaments that hold it in position.  Those ligaments are attached to several other ligaments and muscles where they meet your pelvis, and a tug on any uterine ligament can sometimes make all the other tissues attached to the same area of the pelvis react as if *they've* been tugged at.

    That can cause pain that rates *really* high on the scale... but it doesn't happen to all women, and most have only some discomfort or minor to moderate pain.

    The simple and cheap way to help with cramps (it's also the quickest, and the most convenient and natural) is having an o****m by masturbating.   It doesn't work for *all* women, but it does help many... and for some, it can get rid of cramps entirely for a while.*x.h...

    "... an o****m can cause your uterus to contract, enabling it to use up excess prostaglandins in the process. Prostagladins are hormones produced by your uterine lining. They help to stimulate contractions that move menstrual blood out of the uterus, and are also responsible for those cramps that occur throughout your period."


  8. Those pains are called "cramps." It happens when the muscles in your stomach are squeezing together, helping to release blood during your menstrual cycle.

    You can take an aspirin and it takes care of them for you! Look on the back of the bottle of whatever pain relievers you have in your house, and most will say that they help with menstrual cramps.

  9. its just ur hormones... try midol.

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