
When I go swimming my v****a turns red and burns, what can I do?

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When I go swimming my v****a turns red and burns, what can I do?




  1. You are how old?  Also how long does it stay red and burn?

  2. its probably from the chlorine. you might want to stay away from pools that have alot of chlorine.  it could possible be to strong for you. I would suggest staying away! maybe even an alergic reaction. does it happen to any other parts of your body? if not then I really dont know other than what I just told you. Good Luck!

  3. Try rubbing baby oil before you enter pool, it might lessen the burning.

  4. Vaginal tissue is very sensitive, so that might be why this is the only area affected.  You might try putting some vaseline on there to protect it from the chlorine.  That won't work for long, but it might work long enough to have a short swim.  

    Use hydrocortisone cream after to help the tissue heal faster.

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