
When I go to court tomorrow can I ask to speak to the prosecutor or ask for a lawyer.

by  |  earlier

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I have a court date tomorrow for D.W.I & speeding 15mph over.I have asked for a public defender was told the don't supply them(if you can't afford 1 they will apoint 1).I already postponed the first date.I don't want to just take whats giving if it's to harsh.I admit I'm wrong for this but I was only slightly above the limit(no excuse).I am on a set income of disabilty & I just slide by.I know this is wrong but I don't want to be rail roaded because I have no defense.THANK YOU.If it matters I live in Missouri(St.Louis).




  1. Do not speak to the prosecutor about your case, you do not want to jeopardize incriminating yourself, they should have all they need to know for the case. Let the court know that you can not afford a lawyer and they will provide one, most public defenders have such a huge case load that it is hard for them to keep up with each case, so be sure to let the public defender know all the information that you can supply him/her that's not in the record.

  2. hope u get put into jail driving under influenced you could have killed someone innocent... you should feel ashaamed and i know if 1 of my family members died bcc of some1 elses cause such as d w i i would kill you

    hope u get put into jail

    coming from a 14 yr old boy  

  3. Tomorrow, they will find out you dont have a lawyer and appoint one for you.

    Ask the DA for a plea deal

  4. Bring papers with you to the court showing that you are disabled and ask for an attorney.  

  5. you need to ask for one to be appointed!! Explain you did not understand the process and you have not had time to get a lawyer.

    You go in there were no lawyer you will be screwed.

    If you want to go in without having one appointed, speak to the da and see if you can work out a deal

  6. The appointment of counsel is different everywhere, but if you are at risk of jail, even one day, then you can get counsel.  It could be that the judge decided you are not indigent and that you can indeed afford counsel, by selling a car, for example, or it could be that they meant for you to make a simple phone call to the appropriate agency.  Not sure, but you should find out what is going on.   You can indeed arrange to talk to the prosecutor.  It might not be tomorrow -- I don't know what this hearing is for and so I don't know if there will be a prosecutor present.

  7. According to federal law (Miranda rights) the court must provide you with a lawyer if you can not afford one.  You must ask for a lawyer.  Go ahead and ask for one in open court.  The court can not refuse the request.

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