
When I go to sleep I see something, then it happens.?

by  |  earlier

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Sometimes I dream certain things that are totally clear, then they happen. The other day I dreamed I saw a pencil positioned a specific way in my car, then I got in a car crash. A few days later I saw the pencil like that in my car and moved it just a little bit so no crash.




  1. Yeah i get it too, and i know im dreaming it first cos i keep a dream diary. It helps so that if something does happen then i can relate back to it.

    I asked some questions about it a while back here are some links:;...


    If  you want someone to talk to about it feeel free to email me.

    From now i suggest you keep a diary on it!

  2. omg.

    the exact same thing happens to me, exept i don't see car crashes or anything. haha!

    i won't realize that i even dreamed it until i see it in real life, then this feeling washes over me like i've seen it before. and it happens with thing that mean nothing, like the pencil.

    totally weird.

    i have some friends who say it happens to them too!

    who knows why and how.

  3. wow, that happens 2 me sometimes. i think its kinda cool

  4. You're freaking out.

  5. i don't know, but i'd be figuring out how to make money off of this if i were you.

    did you see any lottery numbers, by chance?

  6. Have you ever heard of people who have their fortunes read, and are so convinced the fortune is true that they act in a way to unknowingly cause their fortune to become a reality? Well maybe you are similar to them in some ways.  

  7. i used to keep a dream diary to see if it is really true. trouble is that my dreams were out by 3 months to a year. so i got tired of keeping a dream diary. i would have to look at each entry to see where it was in the time sequence. so now i try to remember them.

    the only one i really regret is when my best friend got murdered. i dreamed  it about 4 months earlier and i actually told him about it and well it happened. i even told him it would be at home at but not the house he was currently living in. well he is now dead from a gunshot wound to the eye by his girlfriends son. so dreams do come true. so just remember them. i usually get a feeling that i have been there before doing that exact thing. then it comes to me what is going to happen next.  

  8. you are a pre cog. which means you see the future and are to change outcomes of events.

  9. One time I dreamt about these really clear utensils, and putting them in a certain order.. the next day it happend! Its like de ja vou before it happens. Maybe you have an awesome gift, I agree with the person who said to get a lottery ticket!! >3

  10. wow you just dream  

  11. It is known to be called Dajavou. That happens to me all the time and it freaks me out.But it is a good thing that you had that dream because if you would of gotten in that car crash you might of not been here today!

    I hope this helped*

  12. your dreams tell you the future don't knock it away and dont try using it to much dont try really let it happen and slowly train it and soon you could do more then that i have told several others about this just listen and always tell people who you saw in the dream to watch out today if you saw something bad happen to them.

  13. My friend is the same way she is wiccan but her dreams always comes true

  14. Sometimes I experience the same thing. My theory is that we didn't actually dream it at all, but we remember a similar situation and interpret that as a dream. It's similar to déjà vous.

  15. Annoying isnt it? I know what you're going through. I had a spree where almost all my dreams came true and I began to panic then I realized that its a gift, one to be embraced. I dreamt I was going to get pregnant the year that I met Eric. We were so scared it was going to happen that we used every precaution then they told me Id never have children due to my diabetes and such. Then I became pregnant this year *our 3 year mark*. Eric left to "go to college in VA" and I thought he was telling the truth. I had a dream where he was yelling at me while I held my child and he said he was in love with another girl and he wasnt comming back. Two days later I logged on and saw where he was with another girl and he emailed me saying he wouldnt be back because he loved her.

    So you see it is not something to fear it is something that can save your life as you have seen and it can also save the life of those you know. Its a gift and people will call you crazy but dont listen to them.

  16. Wow i hope your okay! just remember to keep an open mind cuz God might be trying to tell you something

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