
When I have a U$500 000, what should I buy?

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Any Mercedes Benz AMG, Any BMW M or 7 series, Any Audi S, or Bentley, or maybe Maybach......I m just 21 years old....That money is given from my Father for me to buy any car I want......Plz help me




  1. Sounds like wishful thinking on your part...

  2. If i were you I would buy a BMW M3. They're Powerful, look good and have good handling. They Don't comsume alot of fuel and don't pollute the air that much. They cost around 50,000 pounds in the U.K so they are cheap.  

  3. Young driver + powerful car = tangled metal, injuries, death.

    Get yourself a nice Chevy Malibu and drive that for a few years until you get a little more maturity under your belt.

    I'm going to do you a favor.  I'm going to treat your question as if it were real.  Here goes:

    $500K for a car?  Yeah, I'm believing that.  On the off chance you're for real (way, way off chance), impress Dad and buy a nice house with the money.  With whatever's left, pay for a few years of college.  And get a nice Chevy Malibu.

    Take note, kid - cars lose value (unless you're crazy lucky and find something rare like a Deusenberg SJ or some such), but houses don't, recent history notwithstanding.  A car is a durable good, but it wears out.  A house is an investment.

    And the next time you troll around here with this scam, use a more believable number, like $50,000.  I could almost believe that.

  4. People who have $500,000 to spend on a car do not come to places like Yahoo Answers to ask what to buy.

    Therefore, you're a lying sack of ****.

  5. You're the biggest liar, because even Bill Gate or Warren Buffett would not spoil their kids like that. Trust me kids, even if i'm a filthy rich guy, i would not give my kid 500k for a car, I think he would have to earn it.

  6. baloney

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