
When I have some doutbs about something, is it corret to ask:?

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I have some doubts about you've said. Could you give me further information?

Is it corret to use the word "doubts" in questions?

A friend of mine said that it is not corret, that's why I'm looking for some response to be sure about it.




  1. when u would be saying to someone i have doubts about what you've said, that means you dont believe what they are saying is true, like they are lying.

    i think u are trying to say 'i am confused about some things you've said. could u give me more informatio

    saying you have some doubts about something someone has said means u dont believe or think its necessarily right or it justs the wrong thing all together.

  2. the word "doubt" can be confused and taken negatively if the person thinks you are doubting the truth of what they say or think you are questioning their honesty...if you are confused about what someone said or misunderstood them the best thing to say is " i don't think i am following what you mean, please explain"...or " i am having a hard time understanding your point, could you clarify it for me?"

  3. It is better to say "I have a question"'

    or "I did not understand properly".

  4. If you use doubt to a teacher then you are saying that you do not believe what they are say is correct.  If on the other hand you do not undersatnd what is being said then that is different.  You need to ask the teacher to clarify the point being made.  If you are embarrassed about asking then wait to the end of the lesson and approach the teacher.  Teachers are there to help you and will want you to understand.  If you do not understand there is no chance of remembering.

  5. i believe that it is correct.... nothing wrong with it

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