
When I ignore them, they come running to me, why?

by  |  earlier

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Ok I've seen this behaviour with a lot of guys and girls I meet. When I'm present and showing some interest, they don't really care. But as soon as I brush them off, they starts treating me like I'm the s**z.

That goes for friends, boyfriends and family members. Why is that?




  1. People want what they can't have.  

  2. Thats simply because.. nobody knows how great something is, until they have lost it.

  3. It's just how things go.

  4. we want what we cant have

  5. Human nature.  A very annoying part of human nature.  People want what they cant have.  Learn to use it FOR you, and I dont mean take advantage of people.....

  6. Because thats life some people are like that, if you dont show any attention to them they want to get ur attention back and they talk 2 u.

    Is part of life you gotta deal with it.get use to it.

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