
When I leave school next year I want to be a dance teacher?

by  |  earlier

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I only have one option when i leave school next year, and thats to go to college to study performing arts (dance) - not the drama performing arts.

I want to open up my own dance studio and teach dance. But this qualification is all i have access to. I leave school this year and I need to know this is a possible option for me. I already dance with my local dance school, and I do ballet, tap and jazz/freestyle.

- Do you think studying this will allow me to teach afterwards?

- Is there any other qualifications I will need that will allow me to teach? if so, what are they?

Please try to put it simply for me, ive looked on websites but I cant make sense of what I need to do.

Thankyou so much for your help!





  1. Good for you!! Hold fast to your dream and don't let anyone deter you. Contact the colleges you are interested in and ask to speak to the head of the department of dance. Better yet, go visit the college and make an appointment before you go to speak with someone from the department. Ask if you can sit in and watch a dance class. When you get there ask them exactly what you said here. They would love to answer you for they are all there with the same love for dance that you feel. Hold on to your dream! Good luck to you!

  2. My tutor is a dance teacher.

    i'll ask her - no wait!

    i'm not at school intill sep 8th.

  3. It has been my observation that a business degree might be more important.  You will be opening your own business, which will require some business knowledge.  If you're a good dancer, the students will follow.  In my state, you aren't required to have a degree in dance to open your own studio.  Begin guest teaching in several studios around your area to get your name out.  Always follow your dreams!  Good Luck!

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