
When I looked at my 360*, I discovered I was holding a whip. What are it's socially acceptable uses?

by  |  earlier

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Y!A wanted me to put this in Parenting --> Gradeschoolers.

And they think we're out of line.




  1. lion tamer??

  2. I always thought that you were a Victorian glamor model ?

  3. I'm sure they would welcome you with open arms at Madam Veronica's correctional house for naughty boys, a house of fallen women (I hear) I'm sure you would be a big hit with the client's as they go in for that sort of thing (I am led to believe) I will pop in next week old girl to see how you are getting on (If I can find my way there) Give my best to Madam V (Ummm......whoever she is) Tip top (Lash)

  4. training horses.

  5. Rotter you old dog,  Madam V was just telling Lord Smythe about the time you both got into difficulties with the french twins and the apple fruit ..oops sorry old bean one forgot the others are reading this...there is only one use for a whip my dear and it is simply to flog the hired staff and the common folk who till the land...most effective when soaked in vinegar and salt...moohhaaarrr ? tally ho

  6. *sigh*

    Dear it was the only thing they found of your father after the terrible man-eating-lion accident.

  7. Crowd control.

    Put this question on Polls and Surveys then watch out!

  8. Horses,definately on horsses.  Oh and maybe toddlers who talk back, yea I'm pretty sure toddlers are acceptable!

  9. Probably because of the word "Whip" did they automatically think spanking.  Agree that you should be able to put your question to whatever group you'd like!

    The only time I think of a socially acceptable use is when using it as a prop in modeling, photography.

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