
When I married we had a prenuptial agrement?

by  |  earlier

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Now that he was forced to retire and I am the one who works fulltime, I make more than he does and we've decided to forget the prenuptial agreement since money is not an issue anymore to separate.

The question is: Is it wrong of me to want a completely NEW bank account for us? Or, should we just do as he suggested, just add my name to his account?

I personally believe it should be a different account because I don't like the stigma attached to the account he has now... or am I being ridiculous? Thoughts?




  1. I can't see any harm adding your name to his account, just monitor it on how much spending goes on and read your bank statements carefully, then if you see him spending to much money on the wrong things, then change it over into a brand new account. Let the bank know also that you are now they main contributor to this account.

  2. No I think you are correct.  Think of it this way...if the shoe was on the other foot...what would he do?/

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