
When I overhand serve, it go almost all the way, just skidding on the net, what can I do?

by Guest59166  |  earlier

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I have my form down, and all the techniques, I am thinking that maybe I am just not following through. I am in eight grade and I want to make A (no not a team, but the A team, like there is aso a B team) team this year, but all I have to do is get my overhand serve down, I have 3 weeks to do it. Any advice, on ways I can make it actually go over the net. by the way, only rarely will it go over the net.




  1. If you can hone that to just skimming over the net on purpose, you'd be unstoppable!

  2. Aim your serve higher.

  3. well aim higher and put all ur streanth into it and follow through and u will get so good luck!!!!!

  4. Quicken your swing. Make the toss-step-hit part an even rythym and make sure your toss is right every time.

  5. its pretty simple, just hit it harder

  6. Jump as you are serving to meet the ball higher in the air when you hit it. Helps me with tennis serves, Good Luck!

  7. try tossing the ball and little higher and

    swing a little harder too

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