
When I park my car on a deserted beach why do other drivers feel compelled to park next to me.?

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Do they think if you leave the car it will be lonley.I am talking miles of beach in the north west UK.




  1. hahaha i get the same when i park in an empty carpark...come back to my car and there is always someone parked next to it with millions of spaces.

    Maybe they think your car looks better so if someone wants to steal it they will go for yours lol.

  2. I know what you mean.  Perhaps they thought it was the place to park because you were parked there.  I know you get some strange people who like to park up in certain spots to do strange things together - like sexual things.  There are some very peculiar people out there.

    Just tell him politely that you wanted some peace and quiet and would he mind finding somewhere else to park.

  3. Because society is used to conformity.  By parking your car there, you've made others view it as a parking lot.  It's not that they think your car will be lonely, but they're used to parking next to other cars in parking lots, on the street... even personal driveways are usually not too far from each other.  On a subconscious level, they feel like they're "supposed" to park there and probably cannot figure out why they feel like it's just wrong to park anywhere else!  It actually takes either a conscious effort or an antisocial person to park a car by itself.

    Additionally, they might think you parked there because you know of something interesting out that way, so they want to go check it out.

  4. LOL !! LOL !!   I notice this too.  People will sit next to you

    on the subway (when the car is completely empty), or how

    everyone in the store or resturant decides to check out at

    the same time -  if they see someone at the register. You

    could run RIGHT to the register and there THEY are).  Its

    like a radar or something - I just grin an bear it now.  Everyone

    take notice and you'll see, it happens everytime like death

    and taxes.

    I remember one time in the desert there was an accident where a jogger got hit by a vehicle when not one other soul was on the road or any other vehicles - WTF !! all that open space(how does this happen - that RADAR magnet?)  L O L

  5. maby they are scared

  6. If cars park next to you, it is not deserted!

    Drive farther down next time

  7. yes that sometimes happens just when you think a lovely quiet time and they all come in there droves?

  8. Yep! Tell me about it!!!!! I have the sea/Beach at the bottom of my road, a short drive along on the right and there's a beautiful spot where one can sit alone and just enjoy the peace. but NO! Someone ALWAYS has to park right bl**dy next to me! AND it's a tourist trap too, so once the tourists come it's a nightmare to even get near the ocean and we LIVE here! AND they seem to think it's OK to have they're headlights on shining right across to the sea! It's rediculous and you have my sympathy! AND a star :-) Stroll on Autumn when they've all cleared off back to they're own areas! :-)

  9. safety in numbers.......

  10. Well, that's not a deserted beach anymore, is it? :-)

    Now, this is the thing with people, when there is no leader giving direction, a group of aimless people will tend to follow who ever makes the first move! Like sheep. bah bah

    You see it on stations a lot!

    How to solve the problem? Park behind some bush! LOL

    Good luck, man, and hope this helps!

  11. They do it to leave the rest of the beach free for those of us who are a little less dependant on our cars.

  12. They are jealous and want to have company for their car. At least when a car is park next to another car, it doesn't look out of place.

  13. i reckon its cos most people see a parked car and think thats where your suppose to park lol

  14. I would be more worried if they saw you a parked well away

  15. People are always following other people no matter what the case is.  The don't want to feel left out of anything.  So, they are driving down the road, parking lot, whatever & see someone/something out of the ordinary.  The thought that goes through their head is that they don't want to be left out.  So, they copy someone else.  Needless to say, that's what happens when you park your car out in the middle of no where.

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