
When I picked my guinea pig up for the first time i could feel his bones alot is that normal?

by  |  earlier

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i feed him food and timothy hay and treats




  1. hmmm well it depends.

    some guinea pugs have a disease which means it can not put on weight, mine has got that but they are still perfectly healthy and can still live for a while and can still eat

    Also it could just be that if the guineapig is young then it might not of had the chance to get a bit more weight on so therefore is quite skinny. i would not worry unless it has stopped eating then i would take it to a vet then

    hope i helped <3....x

  2. Was he in a cgae with alot of other pigs?  If he was he was probley picked on so he probley got very little food.

    If  he wasnt in a cage with alot of them when you got him he probley is mal nurished.

    read up on the internet for this. Sorry i cant be of help im just trying to give you a direction to start in.

  3. thats good, Guinea pigs have flexible bones, 4 example- it can shift it bones to get through a vent in your house. gl, hope i helped!!

  4. Some guinea pigs are just more bony then others. Keep feeding him the right food. He should go to the vet for a check up anyway, so bring it up then!

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