
When I play vibrato on the violin...?

by Guest33238  |  earlier

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I noticed that my whole arm just simply shakes, like a vibrating massaging machine or something. Is this OK, or just plain weird? I was never taught, I simply just tried it and made a habit out of just vibrating my arm and hand and finger. XD However, none of my teachers ever corrected or fixed or said anything about it, so I figured it was correct. I played for 2 and a half years, and quit 2 and a half years ago XD (5 years since I've first played it). I am just pretty much playing it for fun now, and I have no one to ask, except for people online like right now. =P Please help? Is it normal and OK, or should I attempt to correct myself and learn it another way?




  1. It is very normal to shake your arm while playing

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