
When I pulled the painters tape off the ceiling, it took some of the old paint with it...?

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Now I have a ceiling with little areas of gradation, one layer of paint higher than the other and it looks silly. Is there a way to remedy this without having to sand the whole ceiling? Will spackle to the trick? If so, how? Thanks!




  1. Use a small brush and paint over it again!  

  2. Sand the edges of the areas that are with waterbased kilz-it....let a few more times to build it up and the repaint that area or the whole ceiling if you can't match the paint.

  3. If you're talking about around the edges where the ceiling meets the wall & you have a steady hand & the right angled brush, you could just use the same paint & "feather" it in to where the wall meets the ceiling.

    If you're thinking of using spackle, do you mean to re-do the whole ceiling so it looks like stucco?  If so, my question to you would be why didn't you do that in the first place?

    Whichever way you decide to handle it should work.

  4. use those twinkling stickers on the ceiling they come in many themes and glow in the dark!!!!

    thats the best way to mend the patches

    use the star moon and sky theme

  5. Spackle will do the trick. Just use a putty knife to fill in the gap. After it dries, sand it down, then apply the new paint.

  6. Well, to fix it your going to have to Spackle and/or sand, and paint the area again. To avoid this in the future heat the tape with a hair dryer as your removing it.

  7. Spackle is used to fill small pinholes.  My recommendation is to use a premixed drywall compound (pros refer to it as drywall mud).  Ask your hardware clerk.  You can buy this in a small amount like a pint.   Then just take a drywall knife or something like it and spread the compound evenly across the area.  Depending on shrinkage, you may need a couple thin applications.  You can usually match the texture as well.  

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