
When I read a film has gone to ''DVD and Blu-Ray'', what does it mean?

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I know what a DVD is :0). But what is Blu-Ray?

Thanks and Have Fun.





  1. Back in the late 80's there was a major power stuggle between VHS and Betamax. The quality of Betamax was better but the power to promote VHS was stronger, which is why people were only using VHS.

    The same thing has happened again with HD and Blue Ray. HD is a Toshiba Product and Blue Ray is Sony. HD was released first and was a break through in picture quality. Blue Ray is a higher specification system eg(NTSC and Pal) it offers much better quality but since it has been released later the number of films on them are still less the DVD or HD

  2. Blu Ray is a new type of disc where they use blue violet light for the coding.

      The two main things why everybody is into blu ray now is the amount of space it can hold, and the quality.

    the blu ray can hold a lot more space then a cd because of the way that they code the stuff in and it has a lot sharper sound, better pictures, and overally better quality.

       The only downfall to blu ray is the fact that you have to buy a special blue ray player or a playstation 3 ( like i have lol) to watch them. Also for the playstation 3, they make blu ray games.

  3. I think a Blu-Ray is just like a DVD, but is supposed to have a sharper image, like high definition.

  4. Blu-ray is a new 'high definition' version of a normal dvd.

    It has enhanced sound effects, pictures ect.

    You can also buy a Blu-ray dvd player which will be able to play normal dvds as well.

    The blu-rays are more expensive too.

  5. Yes we all know blue-ray has higher quality: sound, and picture. The reason for this is that the blue-ray disk is printed with a blue laser instead of the red laser which was used previously on DVDs. The blue laser takes far less physical space on the disk so they can print more detailed information on blue-ray disk. :)

  6. Blue ray is the same thing as dvd, but blue light is used as the coding which is skinner then infrared (cd and dvd). Therefore, more data can be burned to a disc.

    Hope this helps :)

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