
When I read about a person dying in the obituaries I get this intense curiosity to know how they died, why?

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When I read about a person dying in the obituaries I get this intense curiosity to know how they died, why?




  1. natural human curiosity? i always wonder the same thing, then feel a bit guilty for wondering it. just a desire to know the whole picture, and not just a part of it, maybe? but, meh, who actually knows...

  2. Everyone wonders.... Its out of curiousity and intrigment! We want to know if soemone was to blame, if it couldnt have been prevented, any interesting facts behind it etc... But i think the biggest part is that it is the great unknown!.... No one knows what its like to die and when you see it on paper you want to ask how and why!! Your not unnormal for feeling this way, everyone does! =)

  3. i do the exact same thing. it's like, this person had their whole life, and now, in the is just summed up in some crappy cheap newspaper that barely anyone reads. i wanna know how, especially the young ones. it's so sad. Death is just so unnatural to me. i'm just not ok with it, so reading it in a paragraph makes it realand quite depressing. ur not alone! we probably think too much! :-)

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